script provided here will run all tests in the tests
directory and in docstrings and report coverage. This script is simply a
wrapper around the pytest
Alternatively doctests can be invoked specivially via xdoctest -m watch
run all doctests, or xdoctest -m <path-to-file>
to run all doctests in a
GeoWATCH uses the pytest
module for running unit tests. Unit tests
should be added into the tests
directory and files should be
prefixed with test_
Additionally, code blocks in function docstrings will be interpreted as tests using xdoctest as part of the Google docstring convention.
For example here are what doctests look like for a class and for a function:
class GdalOpen:
A simple context manager for friendlier gdal use.
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network)
>>> from watch.utils.util_raster import *
>>> from watch.demo.landsat_demodata import grab_landsat_product
>>> path = grab_landsat_product()['bands'][0]
>>> # standard use:
>>> dataset = gdal.Open(path)
>>> print(dataset.GetDescription()) # do stuff
>>> del dataset # or 'dataset = None'
>>> # equivalent:
>>> with GdalOpen(path) as dataset:
>>> print(dataset.GetDescription()) # do stuff
# code goes here
def my_cool_function(inputs):
The purpose of this function is to demonstrate how to write a doctest.
>>> # An example of how to use my cool function
>>> # The xdoctest module will run this as a test
>>> inputs = 'construct-demo-data'
>>> my_cool_function(inputs)
import this
print('You input: {}'.format(inputs))