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Nuget here

October 2023 Update

  1. PathBind can now make a two-way binding. Use BindTo to DataBind any INPC properties to each other!
  2. Updated docs to describe BindTo and automatic casting in pre-registered functions such as Sin, Cos, Lerp etc.
  3. Fixed a possible edge-case bug if part of a path is set to null.


A fast and very flexible parser, validator and evaluator that allows you to build, inspect, and evaluate infix expressions at runtime.
Expressions can contain variables that can be resolved against properties in your class instances.


ExpressionParserZero is a .NET Standard library used to parse infix expressions into an ExpressionTree that can be evaluated against an IBackingStore. Expressions can contain constants and variables and can make use of custom overloads and user-defined functions:

  • (5 + 6) * 11.3
  • ( (a + b) * (myViewModel.Things + 5) ) / 6
  • 3 * MyFunc("Janet")    (with a suitable function registered)
  • 12 * "Hello World!"     (with a suitable operator overload registered)


  • Compiler
    • Compile expressions once only, independently of variables
    • Does not use reflection or compiler services - safe to use in AOT environments such as iOS
    • Fully typesafe
    • Short-circuit is supported when evaluating expressions
  • Variables
    • Properties in your classes can be referenced without any additional code
    • Full support for constants and runtime variables
    • Variables can be assigned in an expression, e.g. "a = 4 + b"
    • Supports nested variables that can be accessed by dotted notation
  • DataBinding
    • Expressions can be bound to any public properties in your classes
    • If your properties support INotifyPropertyChanged, bindings will track all changes automatically
  • Type safety
    • All csharp value-types are supported, including full support for Nullable types
    • Typecasting is supported
    • string and object reference types are supported
  • Full and useful error reporting
    • malformed expressions
    • mismatched types
    • missing variables or functions
    • etc.
  • Comma operator
    • e.g. "a = 4, b = a + 2"
  • Extensibility:
    • New operators can be added
    • Existing operators can be aliased
    • User-defined operator overloads
    • User-defined functions can be registered


There are two primary ways to use this library.

1. ExpressionBind

Assuming this has the public properties TestInt, Child and Child.TestInt ...

var binding = new ExpressionBind(this, $"(TestInt + Child.TestInt) * TestInt");
this.TestInt = 5;
this.Child.TestInt = 6;
Assert.AreEqual((TestInt + Child.TestInt) * TestInt, (int)binding.Result);

If your properties support INotifyPropertyChanged you can do this and changes are automatically tracked:

Assert.AreEqual((TestInt + Child.TestInt) * TestInt, (int)binding.Result);

If your properties do not support INotifyPropertyChanged you can do this:

binding.Invalidate();       // Force a full re-evaluation next time binding.Result is read.
Assert.AreEqual((TestInt + Child.TestInt) * TestInt, (int)binding.Result);


public event EventHandler<EventArgs> ValueIsStale;

Raised when a property referenced by the expression raises an INotifyPropertyChanged event or if Invalidate is called directly

public event EventHandler<ValueChangedEventArgs> ResultChanged;

Result is evaluated lazily, i.e. if Evaluate is called when Result stale.
Evaluate is called by the Result getter.
Result is stale if the binding has not yet been evaluated or if Invalidate has been called.

2. ExpressionParser

If you like to make things a little harder for yourself want a high level of customisation you can use the ExpressionParser directly.

// Get a reference to an ExpressionParser. 'new' your own up or ...
ExpressionParser parser = ExpressionParserFactory.GetExpressionParser();

// Compile your expression:
var expressionTree = parser.Parse("(TestInt + Child.TestInt) * TestInt");

// Create a backing store that can read and write properties in (for example) 'this':
var backingStore = new PocoBackingStore(this);

// Evaluate the expression using properties from the backingStore.
// The result is an OperandStack that will have a single operand. 
// Multiple operands are found if the expression uses the comma operator.
var evalResult = expressionTree.Evaluate(backingStore);

// Get the result of the evaluation:
var actualResult = (int)evalResult.Pop().GetValue();


You will likely need only one instance of ExpressionParser for all your parsing
Parsing an expression into an ExpressionTreecan be expensive, and parsing the same expression always yields the same tree, so parse once and cache the result
An ExpressionTree can be evaluated many times, either against the same or different IBackingStore objects

  • If you repeatedly evaluate "a=a+1" you will see the variable 'a' climb in value

Comma operator

Use the comma operator to evaluate multiple expressions, same as csharp
ExpressionBind yields the result of the last expression; ExpressionTree.Evaluate provides all results on the resultant OperandStack.

Assignment operator

You can use the assignment operator = to set values in your backing store.
a = a + 1
locationString = "Latitude: " + Customer.Latitude + " Longitude: " + Customer.Longitude


Casting follows the same rules as csharp. You can cast to any type like this:


Where <type> is any type found in the OperandType enum e.g.


Top Tip: Pre-registered functions such as Sin, Cos, Lerp etc automatically cast their input to the required type. E.g. Sin(myFloat) works (without an explicit cast), despite the Sin function requiring a double.

Assignments will cast the RHS to the correct type for the LHS. E.g. myDouble = myFloat works without an explicit cast.

Operators supported out of the box

Operator Precedence Name
- 12 UnaryMinus
+ 12 UnaryPlus
! 12 UnaryNot
~ 12 BitwiseUnaryComplement
* 11 Multiply
/ 11 Divide
% 11 Modulo
+ 10 Add
- 10 Subtract
< 9 LessThan
> 9 GreaterThan
>= 9 GreaterThanOrEqual
<= 9 LessThanOrEqual
!= 8 NotEqual
== 8 Equality
& 7 BitwiseAnd
^ 6 BitwiseXor
| 5 BitwiseOr
&& 4 LogicalAnd
|| 3 LogicalOr
= 2 SetEquals
, 1 Comma

Operator Aliases

If you are using ExpressionBind the following aliases are registered for you. (along with some useful Functions). If you do not want them registered, configure an ExpressionParser the way you want it, then call the following in your startup code:

ExpressionParserFactory.ReplaceDefaultExpressionParser(yourExpressionParser, false);

If you are using an ExpressionParser directly and you want predefined aliases and functions, get your instance from ExpressionParserFactory.GetExpressionParser() before any call to ExpressionParserFactory.ReplaceDefaultExpressionParser

Alias Operator
LT <
GT >
GTE >=
LTE <=
AND &&
OR ||

It is easy to add aliases of your own, for example this is how the AND alias is registered

parser.RegisterOperator("AND", 4, LogicalAndMatrix.Create());

You can look in the FunctionMatrices folder to see the matrices and vectors for existing operators.

Operator overloads

To append a bool to a string register an overload like this:

ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser();

// Overload that will allow a Bool to be appended to a String
// To add a String to a Bool you'll need to add another overload
parser.RegisterOverload("+", OperandType.String, OperandType.Bool, 
    (left, right) => new Operand(OperandType.String, (string)left.GetValue() + ((bool)right.GetValue()).ToString()));

There is a RegisterOperator overload for unary operators too, should you see the need.

Registering your own operators

You can register your own operators with the ExpressionParser.RegisterOperator method.
The code for this is self-explanatory and any attempt to explain it here will only obfuscate the process, so take a look at the ExpressionParser constructor for examples of how to add operators and unary-operators.
If you are serious about adding your own operators and they support many data-types you should invest some time looking at the MatrixCodeGen project to see how to auto-generate your own FunctionMatrices and (for unary operators) FunctionVectors.


If you are using ExpressionBind the following functions are registered for you. (along with some useful aliases). If you do not want them registered, configure an ExpressionParser the way you want it, then call the following in your startup code:

ExpressionParserFactory.ReplaceDefaultExpressionParser(yourExpressionParser, false);

If you are using an ExpressionParser directly and you want predefined aliases and functions, get your instance from ExpressionParserFactory.GetExpressionParser() before any call to ExpressionParserFactory.ReplaceDefaultExpressionParser

Function Equivalent
Acos(double value) Math.Acos(double value)
Asin(double value) Math.Asin(double value)
Atan(double value) Math.Atan(double value)
Cos(double value) Math.Cos(double value)
Cosh(double value) Math.Cosh(double value)
Exp(double value) Math.Exp(double value)
Log10(double value) Math.Log10(double value)
Pow(double value) Math.Pow(double value)
Sin(double value) Math.Sin(double value)
Sinh(double value) Math.Sinh(double value)
Sqrt(double value) Math.Sqrt(double value)
Tan(double value) Math.Tan(double value)
Tanh(double value) Math.Tanh(double value)
Lerp(double a, double b, double t) Linear interpolation between a and b

User defined functions

Note: Lerp is also pre-registered; the following is just for example. Suppose you wanted a new function to to do a linear interpolation between two values, like this:

double Lerp(double a, double b, double t)
  return a + t * (b - a);

First you will need a reference to your ExpressionParser. The default one is here:

var parser = ExpressionParserFactory.GetExpressionParser();

Then register a function that takes 3 parameters:

parser.RegisterFunction("Lerp", DoLerp, 3);

Finally write the DoLerp method referenced above, with the following signature:

private static void DoLerp(Stack<IOperand> operandStack, IBackingStore backingStore, long paramCount)
    // Pop the correct number of parameters from the operands stack, ** in reverse order **
    // If an operand is a variable, it is resolved from the backing store provided
    IOperand third = OperatorActions.PopAndResolve(operandStack, backingStore);
    IOperand second = OperatorActions.PopAndResolve(operandStack, backingStore);
    IOperand first = OperatorActions.PopAndResolve(operandStack, backingStore);

    // Update:
    // Note, casting a boxed variable to a double will fail if the boxed variable is not a double,
    // so using 'Convert.ToDouble' rather than just casting to double allows us to pass in float, int, etc.
    double a = Convert.ToDouble(first.GetValue());
    double b = Convert.ToDouble(second.GetValue());
    double t = Convert.ToDouble(third.GetValue());
    // The result is of type double
    double result = a + t * (b - a);

    // Push the result back onto the operand stack
    operandStack.Push(new Operand(-1, OperandType.Double, result));

Don't add Lerp though because there's already one for you to use.


An ExpressionTree is a tree of IToken instances where non-leaf-nodes are an IOperator and leaf-nodes are an IOperand

Property/Method Description
IEnumerable<IToken> RpnTokens Expression in reverse-polish (postfix) form
List<ExpressionTreeNode> RootNodeList All root nodes of the expression
OperandStack Evaluate(IBackingStore store Evaluates the expression against an optional backing store

It provides a collection of root nodes rather than a single root node, because the comma operator can be used to yield multiple results from an expression.

TIP: You can call `ToString()` on `ExpressionTree.RpnTokens` to pretty-print the expression in postfix form. 
This can be useful in debugging, for example if you are seeing rounding-errors or exceptions.


ExpressionBind uses PathBind instances internally to evaluate POCO properties and react if they raise INotifyPropertyChanged events.
Put simply, PathBind binds to a property on a host, retrieves its value, and raises an Action<object> if that value changes.

public void TestPathBind()
    TestObject = new TestClass(12);
    var binding = new PathBind(this, "TestObject.TestInt", ValueChanged);
    Assert.AreEqual(12, binding.Value);
    Assert.AreEqual(13, binding.Value);
private void ValueChanged(object obj)
    Assert.AreEqual(13, (int)obj);

PathBind is self-healing

The path to a property can be fully qualified using dotted notation and the PathBind object will track changes to values within a path as long as each property raises INotifyPropertyChanged

Two-Way binding

As well as notifying when a property changes, PathBind can also make a TwoWay binding, for example, to bind this.SomeName to this.Record.Person.Name.PrimaryName

var binding = new PathBind(this, "Record.Person.Name.PrimaryName");

or more succinctly:

var binding = new PathBind(this, "Record.Person.Name.PrimaryName").BindTo(nameof(SomeName));

Changes to this.SomeName will propogate to this.Record.Person.Name.PrimaryName and vice-versa.


This is used when evaluating expressions in order to read and write to 'variables'.
For example, PocoBackingStore implements this interface to read and write public properties on class instances.
You could implement your own e.g. to store and retrieve values in a database.

VariableSet, IVariableSet ...

IVariableSet are still supported, though they are no longer required now that we can bind directly to POCO instances.
For documentation on IVariableSet, see v3 documentation


  • Replace IVariableSet in the diagram with IBackingStore
  • Limitations:
    • object indexing not yet supported

Image of a basic flowchart for parsing and evaluating an expression