Series are somewhat loosely defined in the PMP as a collection of related stories. A series may correspond to a broadcast program, or reports on a particular topic or beat, or any other relationship between stories you care to make. (See the Terminology section of the PMP User Docs for more on what a Series is in the PMP.)
You can create a new Series in the PMP plugin, and add relevant Tags to it which become part of the series data in the PMP. The plugin will push new series and their tags to the PMP. You can edit the series name and its tags, and changes will propagate to the PMP. But like Groups you can’t delete a series in the plugin, you can only modify it.
To manage series, navigate to Public Media Platform > Series in the WordPress dashboard.
Creating a series is much like creating a group. Click the New Series button:
To set the default series to which all new content pushed to PMP will be added, click the "Set as default" link below the series of your choice.
You will asked to confirm your choice:
After clicking "Yes" to confirm, the confirmation prompt will close and the list of series will update. The series you set as the default will appear with "(default)" near its name: