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723 lines (701 loc) · 12.7 KB

File metadata and controls

723 lines (701 loc) · 12.7 KB

Stylistic Issues

Rule Description Snippet ESLint Default Link
array-bracket-spacing Enfore spacing inside array brackets
var arr = [ 'foo', 'bar' ];
var [ x, y ] = z;
Off [Link](
brace-style Enfore one true brace style
if (foo) {
} else {
if (foo) {   
else {
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camelcase Require camel case names
variableName vs variable_name
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comma-spacing Enfore spacing before and after comma
var foo = 1, bar = 2;
var foo = 1 ,bar = 2;
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comma-style Enfore one true comma style
var foo = 1
, //lone comma
bar = 2;

var foo = 1 , bar = 2;

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computed-property-spacing Require or disallow padding inside computed properties
obj[ foo ]
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consistent-this Enfore consistent naming when capturing the current execution context
// If alias is set to "self", the following are errors
var self = 42;
var that = this;
self = 42;
that = this;
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eol-last Enfore newline at the end of file, with no multiple empty lines
function doSmth() {
// no space here
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func-names Require function expressions to have a name
// Bad = function() {};
(function() {
    // ...
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func-style Enfore use of function declarations or expressions
function doSomething() {
    // ...
var doSomething = function() {
    // ...
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id-length This option enforces minimum and maximum identifier lengths
// id-length: 1  // default is minimum 2-chars ({ min: 2})
var x = 5; // too short
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id-match Require identifiers to match the provided regular expression

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indent Specify tab or space width for your code

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key-spacing Enforce spacing between keys and values in object literal properties
// key-spacing beforeColon & afterColon = false
var obj = { foo:42 };
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lines-around-comment Enfore empty lines around comments
// beforeBlockComment only
var x = 0;

/* the vertical position */ var y = 10;

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linebreak-style Disallow mixed 'LF' and 'CLRF' as linebreaks
    var a = 'a',\r\n // unix
        b = 'b';\n // windows
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max-nested-callbacks Specify the maximum depth callbacks can be nested
foo(function () {
    bar(function () {
        baz(function() {
            qux(function () {
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new-cap Require a capital letter for constructors
// Bad
var friend = new person();
var colleague = Person();
// Good
var friend = new Person();
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new-parens Disallow the omission of parentheses when invoking a constructor with no arguments
var person = new Person;
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newline-after-var Require or disallow an empty newline after variable declarations
var foo;

// do something with foo

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no-array-constructor Disallow use of the `Array` constructor
new Array(0, 1, 2)
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no-continue Disallow use of the `continue` statement
var sum = 0,

for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(i >= 5) { continue; } a += i; }

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no-inline-comments Disallow comments inline after code
var a = 1; // declaring a to 1
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no-lonely-if Disallow `if` as the only statement in an `else` block
if (...) {
} else {
    if (...) {
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no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs Disallow mixed spaces and tabs for indentation
function main() {
--->var x = 5,
--->....y = 7;
Error [Link](
no-multiple-empty-lines Disallow multiple empty lines
// no-multiple-empty-lines: [1, {max: 2}]  // Maximum of 2 empty lines.
var foo = 5;

var bar = 3;

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no-nested-ternary Disallow nested ternary expressions
var foo = bar ? baz : qux === quxx ? bing : bam;
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no-new-object Disallow the use of the `Object` constructor
// Bad
var myObject = new Object();
// Good
var myObject = {};
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no-spaced-func Disallow space between function identifier and application
fn () vs fn()
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no-ternary Disallow the use of ternary operators
var foo = isBar ? baz : qux;
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no-trailing-spaces Disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines
// spaces, tabs and unicode whitespaces
// are not allowed at the end of lines
var foo = 0;•••••
var baz = 5;••
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no-underscore-dangle Disallow dangling underscores in identifiers
var _foo;
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no-unneeded-ternary Disallow the use of `Boolean` literals in conditional expressions
// Bad
var isYes = answer === 1 ? true : false;
// Good
var isYes = answer === 1;
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object-curly-spacing Require or disallow padding inside curly braces
var obj = { foo: "bar" };

var obj = {foo: "bar"};

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one-var Require or disallow one variable declaration per function
// one variable declaration per function
function foo() {
    var bar, baz;
// multiple variable declarations per function
function foo() {
    var bar;
    var baz;
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operator-assignment Require assignment operator shorthand where possible or prohibit it entirely
x += y;

x = x + y;

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operator-linebreak Enfore operators to be placed before or after line breaks
var fullHeight = borderTop +
                 innerHeight +

var fullHeight = borderTop + innerHeight + borderBottom;

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padded-blocks Enfore padding within blocks
if (a) {

if (a) {



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quote-props Require quotes around object literal property names
var object1 = {
    property: true;

var object2 = { "property": true };

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quotes Specify whether backticks, double or single quotes should be used
var double = "double";
var single = 'single';
var backtick = `backtick`;
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semi-spacing Enfore spacing before and after semicolons
var a = "b" ;

var c = "d";var e = "f";

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sort-vars Sort variables within the same declaration block
var b, a;

var a, B, c;

var a, A;

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space-after-keywords Require a space after certain keywords
if (condition) {
} else {

if(condition) { doSomething(); }else{ doSomethingElse(); }

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space-before-blocks Require or disallow a space before blocks
if (a){

if (a) {

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space-before-function-paren Require or disallow a space before function opening parenthesis
function withoutSpace(x) {

function withSpace (x) { }

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space-in-parens Require or disallow spaces inside parentheses
foo( 'bar' );
var x = ( 1 + 2 ) * 3;

foo('bar'); var x = (1 + 2) * 3;

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space-infix-ops Require spaces around operators
a +b
a+ b
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space-return-throw-case Require a space after `return`, `throw`, and `case`
throw {a:0}
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space-unary-ops Require or disallow spaces before/after unary operators
foo ++
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spaced-comment Require or disallow a space immediately following the `//` or `/*` in a comment
// Comment
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wrap-regex Require regex literals to be wrapped in parentheses
return /foo/.test("bar");
return (/foo/).test("bar");
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