- Clone this Repository
- Create the .env files
- Install Packages with yarn
- Install the Medusa CLI
- Set up the Database
- Run medusa seed & migrations
- Run the Server
- Run the Client
1. Clone this Repository
2. Create the .env file in both the project root, and in ./hamza-server ./hamza-server/.env ./hamza-client/.env.local
See .env.example.
3. Install Packages with yarn
cd ./hamza-server
yarn install
cd ../hamza-client
yarn install
4. Install the Medusa CLI
yarn global add @medusajs/medusa-cli
5. Set up the Database
Either do it by docker, or install postgresql manually on your local environment, and create an empty database called "hamza_dev_db".
If doing it by docker, in the root of the repo: (sudo is optional depending on your setup)
5a. Use Docker (recommended)
sudo docker-compose up -d
5b. Manual Setup (optional)
Install and run postgresql locally, and and redis locally. Optionally, you can omit redis, but also comment out the redis lines in /hamza-server/medusa-config.js
sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo systemctl start postgresql
#create the database
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database hamza_dev_db;
postgres=# \c hamza_dev_db
hamza_dev_db=# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres'
Install Redis:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis
6. Run medusa seed
cd ./hamza-server
npx medusa seed --seed-file=data/seed.json
npx medusa migrations run
7. Run the Server
cd ./hamza-server
yarn dev
8. Run the Client
cd ./hamza-client
yarn dev
9. Fresh Reset Backend:
1. Remove the node_modules folder
2. Remove the dist folder
3. Remove the build folder
4. Remove the .cache folder
5. Remove yarn.lock
6. docker-compose down
7. docker volume rm <db_volume>
8. docker-compose up -d
9. yarn install
10. npx medusa migrations run
11. npx medusa seed --seed-file=data/seed.json
12. yarn build
13. yarn dev
To set up from scratch:
Run: npx create-medusa-app@latest
Automatically created thepostgres database and the admin user through the cli
Backend: hamza-server/ Environment Variable: .env
Frontend: /hamza-client
Environments Variable: env.local
For Postgres database we can create entities in load-pipe/src/models Medusa uses TypeORM ... adding entities to this folder will automatically register them in the database.
E-commerce.pdf in root of repo has a diagram of the payment architecture