Plugin adding general minecraft features.
Default: German Config to edit the Language available.
Optionally you can enable to only use the API Everything can be enabled/disabled in config 01.Debug command (Disabled by default)
- Some information about blocks and Items
- give event and recive all listener for that event
- Calculator
- Broadcast
- Command executing Commands
- Fly
- Gamemodecommand
- InfoComamnds
- Ping
- Playtime
- Portableinventories
- Speed
- Chat channel
- Use Minimagge(
) or Lagasy(&7Text
) chat formatter (editable in Config, defautl: Minimessage) - First Join Text and Title
- TAB Prefix/Suffix (Luckperms)
- TAB Sorting (Luckperms Weight)
- Sudo command
- Chatinput capture
- ItemStack creator
- Name
- Lore
- Glint
- When(Left/Right/Both)Clicked action
- WhenPlaced action
- WhenBroken action
- GUI created out of
public class ClassName implements InventoryHolder{
private static final ClickEvent event = ClassName::eventI;
private static final LeftClickEvent event = ClassName::eventI;
private static final ClickEvent event = ClassName::eventI;
Inventory inventory;
public ClassName() {
this.inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(this, (row * 9), Component.Text();
// row = anzahl der reihen des Inventars (1-6)
Stuff.INSTANCE.itemBuilderManager.addClickEvent(changeName, "Plugin:EventName");
1, // Item index
new ItemBuilder()
// Weitere Argumente
private static void eventI(InventoryClickEvent e) {
// event Code
public @NotNull Inventory getInventory() {
return inventory;
public class ClassName {
private static final PlaceEvent event = ClassName::eventI;
public ClassName() {
Stuff.INSTANCE.itemBuilderManager.addPlaceEvent(changeName, "Plugin:EventName");
Itemstack item = new ItemBuilder()
// Weitere Argumente
private static void eventI(BlockPlaceEvent e) {
// event Code
public class ClassName {
private static final BreakEvent event = ClassName::eventI;
public ClassName() {
Stuff.INSTANCE.itemBuilderManager.addBreakEvent(changeName, "Plugin:EventName");
Itemstack item = new ItemBuilder()
// Weitere Argumente
private static void eventI(BlockBreakEvent e) {
// event Code
public class ClassName {
private static final BlockBreakWithItemEvent event = ClassName::eventI;
public ClassName() {
Stuff.INSTANCE.itemBuilderManager.addItemBreakBlockEvent(changeName, "Plugin:EventName");
Itemstack item = new ItemBuilder()
// Weitere Argumente
private static void eventI(BlockBreakEvent e) {
// event Code
Events can be registered in other classes
** Material has to be setted**
or the skull can be setted, this overweites the Material
List<Component> lore = new ArrayList<>();