Released: %kotlinEapReleaseDate%
This document doesn't cover all of the features of the Early Access Preview (EAP) release, but it highlights some major improvements.
See the full list of changes in the GitHub changelog.
The Kotlin %kotlinEapVersion% release is out! Here are some details of this EAP release:
The Kotlin plugins that support %kotlinEapVersion% are bundled in the latest IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. You don't need to update the Kotlin plugin in your IDE. All you need to do is to change the Kotlin version to %kotlinEapVersion% in your build scripts.
See Update to a new release for details.
Starting with Kotlin %kotlinEapVersion%, the K2 implementation of the kapt compiler plugin is enabled by default for all the projects.
The JetBrains team has launched the new implementation of the kapt plugin with the K2 compiler back in Kotlin 1.9.20. Since then, we have further developed K2 kapt's internal implementation and made its behavior similar to that of K1 kapt, while significantly improving its performance.
If you encounter any issues when using kapt with the K2 compiler, you can temporarily revert to the previous kapt plugin implementation.
To do this, add the following option to the
file of your project:
Please report such issues to our issue tracker.
Starting with Gradle 8.7, the Application plugin is
no longer compatible with the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin. Kotlin %kotlinEapVersion% introduces an Experimental
DSL to achieve similar functionality. The new executable {}
block configures execution tasks and Gradle
distributions for JVM targets.
Before using the DSL, add the following to your build script:
Then, add the new executable {}
block. For example:
kotlin {
jvm {
binaries {
// Configures a JavaExec task named "runJvm" and a Gradle distribution for the "main" compilation in this target
executable {
// Configures a JavaExec task named "runJvmAnother" and a Gradle distribution for the "main" compilation
executable(KotlinCompilation.MAIN_COMPILATION_NAME, "another") {
// Set a different class
// Configures a JavaExec task named "runJvmTest" and a Gradle distribution for the "test" compilation
executable(KotlinCompilation.TEST_COMPILATION_NAME) {
// Configures a JavaExec task named "runJvmTestAnother" and a Gradle distribution for the "test" compilation
executable(KotlinCompilation.TEST_COMPILATION_NAME, "another") {
In this example, Gradle's Distribution
plugin is applied on the first executable {}
If you run into any issues, report them in our issue tracker or let us know in our public Slack channel.
Kotlin %kotlinEapVersion% is now compatible with the latest stable Gradle version, 8.11, and supports its features.
Gradle versions 8.7 to 8.11 are supported, with one exception. If you use the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin,
you may see deprecation warnings in your multiplatform projects when calling the withJava()
function in the JVM target.
We plan to fix this issue as soon as possible.
For more information, see the related issue in YouTrack.
In Kotlin %kotlinEapVersion%, we are introducing common atomic types in the standard library's kotlin.concurrent.atomics
package, enabling shared, platform-independent code for thread-safe operations. This simplifies development for Kotlin
Multiplatform projects by removing the need to duplicate atomic-dependent logic across source sets.
The kotlin.concurrent.atomics
package and its properties are Experimental.
To opt in, use the @OptIn(ExperimentalAtomicApi::class)
annotation or the compiler option -opt-in=kotlin.ExperimentalAtomicApi
Here's an example that shows how you can use AtomicInt
to safely count processed items across multiple threads:
// Imports the necessary libraries
import kotlin.concurrent.atomics.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
suspend fun main() {
// Initializes the atomic counter for processed items
var processedItems = AtomicInt(0)
val totalItems = 100
val items = List(totalItems) { "item$it" }
// Splits the items into chunks for processing by multiple coroutines
val chunkSize = 20
val itemChunks = items.chunked(chunkSize)
coroutineScope {
for (chunk in itemChunks) {
launch {
for (item in chunk) {
println("Processing $item in thread ${Thread.currentThread()}")
processedItems += 1 // Increment counter atomically
// Prints the total number of processed items
println("Total processed items: ${processedItems.load()}")
{validate="false" kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="2.1.20-beta2"}
To enable seamless interoperability between Kotlin's atomic types and Java's java.util.concurrent.atomic
atomic types, the API provides the .asJavaAtomic()
and .asKotlinAtomic()
extension functions. On the JVM, Kotlin
atomics and Java atomics are the same types in runtime, so you can transform Java atomics to Kotlin atomics and the other
way around without any overhead.
Let's look at an example that shows how Kotlin and Java atomic types can work together:
// Imports the necessary libraries
import kotlin.concurrent.atomics.*
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*
fun main() {
// Converts Kotlin AtomicInt to Java's AtomicInteger
val kotlinAtomic = AtomicInt(42)
val javaAtomic: AtomicInteger = kotlinAtomic.asJavaAtomic()
println("Java atomic value: ${javaAtomic.get()}")
// Java atomic value: 42
// Converts Java's AtomicInteger back to Kotlin's AtomicInt
val kotlinAgain: AtomicInt = javaAtomic.asKotlinAtomic()
println("Kotlin atomic value: ${kotlinAgain.load()}")
// Kotlin atomic value: 42
{validate="false" kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="2.1.20-beta2"}
The JetBrains team continues to improve the support for UUIDs introduced to the standard library in 2.0.20.
Previously, the parse()
function only accepted UUIDs in the hex-and-dash format. With Kotlin %kotlinEapVersion%,
you can use parse()
for both the hex-and-dash and the plain hexadecimal format (without dashes).
We also introduce functions specific to the operations with the hex-and-dash format in this release:
that parses UUIDs from the hex-and-dash format.toHexDashString()
that converts a UUID into a string in the hex-and-dash format (mirroring thetoString()
These functions work similarly to parseHex()
and toHexString()
that were
introduced earlier for the hexadecimal format. Explicit naming for the parsing and formatting functionality should improve
code clarity and your overall experience with UUID handling.
Remember that the UUID support in the standard library is still Experimental.
To opt in, use the @ExperimentalUuidApi
annotation or the compiler option -opt-in=kotlin.uuid.ExperimentalUuidApi
import kotlin.uuid.ExperimentalUuidApi
import kotlin.uuid.Uuid
fun main() {
// Use parse() to accept a UUID in a plain hexadecimal format
val uuid = Uuid.parse("550e8400e29b41d4a716446655440000")
// Convert it to the hex-and-dash format
val hexDashFormat = uuid.toHexDashString()
// Output: 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000
{validate="false" kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="2.1.20-beta2"}
Starting from IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3 and Android Studio Iguana (2023.2.1) Canary 15, the Kotlin plugin is distributed as a bundled plugin included in your IDE. This means that you can't install the plugin from JetBrains Marketplace anymore. The bundled plugin supports upcoming Kotlin EAP releases.
To update to the new Kotlin EAP version, change the Kotlin version to %kotlinEapVersion% in your build scripts.