📌 Name : Easy Pipo
📌 Authors : Minku Koo Jiyong Park
📌 Development Period : Feb.2021 ~ Jun.2021
📌 Main Library : OpenCV, numpy, Flask
📌 Keyword : "Computer Vision", "Image Processing", "OpenCV", "Pipo Painting", "Line Detection", "Color Numbering"
- Introduction
- What is Pipo Painting?
- How to Use?
- SW Architecture
- Working Process
- Testing Video
- Modules Development
- Patent Application
- Contact to us
It is a kit having a board on which light markings to indicate areas to paint, and each area has a number and a corresponding numbered paint to use. The kits come with little compartmentalised boxes where the numbered colour pigments are stored. The users are encouraged to wash the paintbrush every time a new numbered colour is being used.
🔗 Wikipedia Discription
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git clone https://github.com/AutoPipo/EasyPipo.git
cd EasyPipo
pip install -r requirements.txt
python .
You can see the Testing Video here (Youtube)
Painting() converts the image like a picture through reduce color.
Use Blurring and K-Means Clustering.
This is step 1 of the Working Steps
painting = Painting( "./imagePath/image.jpg")
# Blurring
blurImage = painting.blurring( div = 8,
radius = 10,
sigmaColor =20,
# Color K-Means Clustering
clusteredImage = painting.colorClustering( blurImage, cluster = 16)
expandedImage = imageExpand(clusteredImage, size = 4)
# 확장된 이미지에서 변형된 색상을 군집화된 색상과 매칭
similarMap = painting.expandImageColorMatch(expandedImage)
# 군집화된 색상을 지정된 색상과 가장 비슷한 색상으로 매칭
paintingMap = painting.getPaintingColorMap(similarMap)
DrawLine() draw a line based on the color border.
Draw an arbitrary line at the edge of the image for apply Numbering()
This is step 2 of the Working Steps
# Input : Painted Image
drawLine = DrawLine(image)
lineMap = drawLine.getDrawLine()
lineMap = drawLine.drawOutline(lineMap)
# Output : Image drawn with lines
Numbering() input the color index number inside the line.
Find the contours and its hierarchy.
Extracts the color label, calculates the Incenter point, and input a color index number.
This is step 3 of the Working Steps
# Input : Image drawn with lines
# get Color(RGB) dictionary, Color index dictionary from Painted image
colorNames, colors = getColorFromImage(image)
# Extracts Color label from Painted Image
img_lab, lab = getImgLabelFromImage(colors, image)
# Extracts contours, hierarchy, thresh from Image drawn with lines
contours, hierarchy, thresh = getContoursFromImage(lineMap)
# Make White image same size with Image drawn with lines
result_img = makeWhiteFromImage(lineMap)
# Draw contouor borders and Color index on White image
result_img = setColorNumberFromContours(result_img,
# Draw Color label index on Result image
result_img2 = setColorLabel(result_img.copy(), colorNames, colors)
# Output : Pipo Painting Canvas Image