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Compiling the Magnon Modules

Tobias Weber (Institut Laue-Langevin) edited this page Sep 4, 2024 · 9 revisions

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The magnon code consists of the following sub-modules:

Compiling the Magnetic Dynamics GUI as Stand-Alone Program

  • After having cloned the source repository (see Compiling Takin), go to the module's directory: cd takin/mag-core/tools/magdyn/.
  • Create a "build" directory: mkdir build && cd build.
  • Build the binary: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make -j4.

Compiling the Magnetic Dynamics Plug-In Module

  • After having cloned the source repository (see Compiling Takin), go to the plugin's directory: cd takin/magnon-plugin.
  • Create a "build" directory: mkdir build && cd build.
  • Build the plugin: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make -j4.
  • Create Takin's plugin directory if needed: mkdir -p ~/.takin/plugins.
  • Copy the plugin to the plugin directory:
    • On Mac: cp libmagnonmod.dylib ~/.takin/plugins/,
    • On Linux: cp ~/.takin/plugins/.

Compiling the Magnetic Dynamics Python Package

  • After having cloned the source repository (see Compiling Takin), go to the module's directory: cd takin/mag-core/tools_py/magdyn/.
  • Create a "build" directory: mkdir build && cd build.
  • Build the Python package: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make -j4.
  • Install the Python package: sudo make install.