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R K Sharath Kumar edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the online_order_processing_during_pandemics wiki!

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Online order processing during pandemics

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Use Watson Assistant to automate online order processing during pandemics


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In this code pattern, we build an AI-powered backend system that can take the daily essentials orders through online mode. The system processes the incoming text request by converting it to formatted orders list. An effective way of processing the information quickly. This AI powered backend system can be later connected to the inventory database for optimising supply chain management. This solution will be applicable to various domains such as ordering medicines and ordering daily essentials (groceries), etc.


  • Python: An open-source interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming.

  • Data science: Analyze structured and unstructured data to extract knowledge and insights.

  • Web development: Use open-standards technologies to build modern web apps.


How do we stop panic amongst people of hoarding essentials during lockdown? How do we enable people to procure essentials through digital mode?

Nowadays, its a bit risky to visit a supermarket for grocery shopping given the social distancing factor. Our solution offers you online grocery shopping at your fingertips to manage your needs effortlessly.

In this code pattern, we build an AI-powered backend system that can take the daily essentials orders through online mode. The system processes the incoming text request by converting it to formatted orders list. An effective way of processing the information quickly.

This AI powered backend system can be later connected to the inventory database for optimising supply chain management. This solution will be applicable to various domains such as ordering medicines and ordering daily essentials (groceries), etc.



  1. Feed the data to Watson Assistant service.
  2. Convert the text into Intents, Entities & enable conversation.
  3. Extract the order & customer details from the text.
  4. These extracted attributes gets stored on Db2 database on cloud.
  5. Visualize the order and customer details from the input text on a dashboard.


Find the detailed steps for this pattern in the readme file. The steps will show you how to:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Setup Watson Assistant
  3. Setup IBM Db2
  4. Add the Credentials to the Application
  5. Deploy the Application to Cloud Foundry
  6. Analyze the results

Components and services


  • Python 3
  • JavaScript

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