Mesa allows you to send messages from any part of your codebase using Dispatcher
. Codebases that split their code up between multiple f
iles or services will find dispatch events particularly useful.
To use dispatch events you'll need a Redis instance and Pub/Sub to be enabled on the core Mesa server. To create a dispatch event, import the Dispatcher
module from Mesa:
const { Dispatcher } = require('@cryb/mesa')
// or using ES modules
import { Dispatcher } from '@cryb/mesa'
Then create a new Dispatcher instance and pass in your Redis URI or config:
const dispatcher = new Dispatcher('redis://localhost:6379')
We provide expansive configuration support for customising Dispatcher to your needs. Here's a rundown of options we provide:
// Optional: namespace for Redis events. This should match the namespace on the Mesa server you're targetting if that Mesa server has a namespace
namespace?: string
// Optional
sync?: {
// Enable / disable message sync. Defaults to false
enabled: boolean
To supply this config, pass it into the Dispatcher constructor as you would with any other configuration:
const dispatcher = new Dispatcher('redis://localhost:6379', {
namespace: 'api',
sync: {
enabled: true
Now that a Dispatcher instance has been created, use it to emit events to authenticated clients:
// This sends a message to clients with the id 0 and 1.
dispatcher.dispatch(new Message(0, { status: 'online' }, 'STATUS_UPDATE'), ['0', '1'])
We also allow for a third option that filters out any client ids from the recipients. Here's an example:
room.on('message', (content, author) => {
// Supplying the third array will not send the message to the author of the message.
// This is useful when using Mesa in conjunction with a REST API where state has already been updates for the author
dispatcher.dispatch(new Message(0, { content, author }, 'NEW_MESSAGE'), room.members, [author])
If you want to dispatch a message to all connected clients, supply a single asterisk in the recipient array:
dispatcher.dispatch(new Message(0, { alert: true, content: 'Hello World' }, 'GLOBAL_ALERT'), ['*'])
Note: the excluding option passed in as the third element will not work with global dispatch messages