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287 lines (191 loc) · 9.5 KB

File metadata and controls

287 lines (191 loc) · 9.5 KB


Recreate a Node.js (actually Deno) web framework. The API mirrors (a subset of) expressjs.


  • Personal engineering skill issues:
    • Sloppy abstractions.
      • Wrong abstractions.
      • Unnecessary abstraction or high-cognitive-load abstraction.
      • Abstractions that don't compose.
    • Unnecessarily complex code.
  • The expressjs API to me is very elegant:
    • Simple/Straightforward.

    • Streamline:

      res.status(200).send("This is the response");
    • Composable: You can create complex handlers and register it with express(). The handler can be a simple function or a complex Router, which is itself a set of functions or Routers.

      const cRouter = express.Router();
      cRouter.use('/child', ...);
      const pRouter = express.Router();
      pRouter.use('/parent', cRouter);
      const app = express();
      app.use('/app', pRouter);

      After reading the classic SICP book (my notes), this property is called closure - expressjs allows the combination of handlers into a complex handler and the resulting handler can itself be combined further with other handlers.

  • I want to play with Node's HTTP API a bit.


I don't intend to make this express-compatible. I can go extra length to do this, which will unlock the following things:

  • Readily available test cases from express itself.
  • The diverse plugin ecosystem of express.

This project is nothing but a toy for self-orientation.

Why Node's HTTP API is not enough

As far as I know, the HTTP API in Node handles HTTP at mostly the connection level:

  • It can accept and serve concurrent connections well. The serving logic is left to the programmer.
  • It allows us to receive requests and send appropriate responses.
  • It provides us a low-level mechanism to extract request headers, cookies and body.

This is still lackluster (understandable) to be an HTTP-compliant HTTP server & a web framework.

  • In terms of an HTTP-compliant HTTP server, we need:

    • Content negotiation.
    • Conditional-GET handling.
    • Range requests.
    • etc.

    These are mostly left to the programmer in the Node's HTTP API & even in express to allow for more flexibility. However, express does provide ways to handle these easier.

  • In terms of a Web framework:

    • The HTTP API is primitive:
      • HTTP request body is streamed incrementally and we need to put together the chunks to get the full HTTP body.
      • HTTP cookies need to be manually parsed.
      • etc.
    • Some common functionality is missing:
      • Specifying routes & handlers.
      • Specifying middleware.
      • HTTP request body parsing based on its Content-Type header.
      • Quickly build responses: send cookies, serve static files, render HTML.


Keep it simple. Just write the code first & abstract when needed or may abstract in advance but only minimally.

What is implemented?

I intend to cover the breadth but not much depth:

  • Easily extract headers, cookies, querystring, body from a request.
  • Easily set headers, cookie, body on a response.
  • Register a handler for a route. Routers are not supported.
  • Serve static files.
  • Support templating engines.


  • Path manipulation is tricky. Common operations I perform on a path:

    • Equality check:
      • Handle paths that can come in with or without the /.
      • Handle .. and .
    • Ancestor/Descendant directory check:
      • Either the ancestor/descendant path can come in with or without /.

    -> May worth creating a Path abstraction to:

    • Normalize paths: Remove .., . and standardize whether to include trailing /.
    • Perform equality check.
    • Perform ancestor/descendant check.
  • Serving static files takes some considerations and I may miss something:

    • Security issues:
      • Scope serving requests to some folder only: Be careful of relative paths, etc. This can lead to arbitrary files in the filesystem being sent.
      • Consider dotfiles - static-serve ignores these by default.
      • Avoid following symlinks (or just following but avoid allowing users to upload symlink). I just follow symlinks in this project.
    • Range requests.
  • Always read raw data into Buffer instead of string.

API reference

I don't want to create noise on jsr for this hobby project so if you wanna test this, please replace 'expresso' with the path you clone it into in your project.

import expresso from 'expresso';


import expresso from 'expresso';

const app = expresso();

App.use([path]: string | string[], callback: Handler): App

Like expressjs's app.use.

  • path: The path for which the middleware function is invoked; can be any of:
    • A string representing a path.
    • A path pattern string using an extension of JS's regex notation (this differs from express).
    • An array of combinations of any of the above.
  • callback: A function of type (req: Request, res: Response, next: (void) => unknown) => unknown.

The path pattern strings can also contain the :param pattern, which is equivalent to: (?<param>[^/]+).

With path omitted, '.*' is assumed and callback is invoked for all path.

App.METHOD([path]: string | string[], callback: Handler): App

Like expressjs's app.METHOD.

METHOD is one of the HTTP methods or all.


Start the HTTP and listening on port port.


Close the HTTP server.



The request's body. By default, this is undefined - you need to use the body-parser plugin.

import { bodyParser } from 'expresso'
app.use([path], bodyParser.raw);  // `req.body` will return the raw content of the request's body.
app.use([path], bodyParser.json);  // `req.body` will return the content as json of the request's body.
app.use([path], bodyParser.urlencoded); // `req.body` will return the content of the request's body as urlencoded string.


The request's cookies, which is an key-value object mapping cookie's name to the cookie's value.

The value of the request's Host header. If the Host header is missing, this field is set to "".


The method of the request.


The full URL of the request.


The requested path of the request, omitting the query string.

"/path?qs=q" // -> "/path"
"/path" // -> "/path"


The path parameters of the matched route.

"/path/:id" // -> { id: "..." }


The query string of the request, parsed using the qs package.

"/path?qs=q" // { qs: "q" }
"/path?qs[0]=q1&qs[1]=q2" // { qs: [ "q1", "q2" ] }


The IP address of the client.


Response.append(field: string, values: string | string[]): Response

Set the header field to a header value or an array of header values. If the header already exists, the header value is appended instead of being overridden.

Response.get(field: string): string | string[] | undefined

Get the value of the header field.

Response.set(field, value: string): Response

Set the header field to value.

Response.cookie(name: string, value: string, options: object): Response

Set a cookie name to value along with some options. The options object has the following optional fields:

  • domain?: string: The Domain property of the cookie.
  • encode?: (_: string) => string: Encode the cookie's value.
  • expires?: Date | 0: The Expires property of the cookie.
  • httpOnly?: boolean: The HttpOnly property of the cookie.
  • maxAge?: number: The Max-Age property of the cookie.
  • path?: string: The Path property of the cookie.
  • secure?: boolean: The Secure property of the cookie.
  • sameSite?: "None" | "Lax" | "Strict": The Same-Site property of the cookie.

Response.status(code: number): Response

Set the response's status code.

Response.sendStatus(code: number): Response

Set the response's status code and the body also to code.

Response.send(data: Buffer | string | JsonConvertible): Response

  • If data is a Buffer:
    • Set the response's body to data.
    • Set the Content-Type header to application/octet-stream.
    • Set the Content-Length header to data's length.
  • If data is a String:
    • Set the response's body to data.
    • Set the Content-Type header to text/html.
    • Set the Content-Length header to data's length.
  • If data is a JsonConvertible value:
    • Set the response's body to data.
    • Set the Content-Type header to application/json.
    • Set the Content-Length header to data's length.

Response.raw(data: Buffer | string): Response

Like Response.send but do not set Content-Type.

Response.json(data: JsonConvertible): Response

Set the response's body to data and set the Content-Type header to application/json.

Response.location(path: string): Response

Set the Location header to path.

If path is "back", set Location to the corresponding Request's Referer header.

Response.redirect([status]: number, path: string): Response

Set the status code to status (by default 302) and set the Location header to path.

Response.headersSent(): object

Return the headers sent on this response.

Response.vary(value: string): Response

Append value to the Vary header.

Reponse.type(value: string): Response

Set the Content-Type header to value.