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Adding R Script to reduce QUHA individuals by relatedness, clones, an…
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ekschumacher committed Dec 8, 2021
1 parent ad93fb3 commit b39e59a
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Showing 4 changed files with 1,862 additions and 0 deletions.
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions Analyses/RScript/1_QUHA_clonecheck_missingdata_relate_red.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
######## Libraries #######


############# Convert to Genind ##############

QUHA_wild_gen <- read.genepop("QH_wild.gen", ncode = 3)

########## Run Clone Check and Relatedness Analysis ############
####run clone check
##convert to genelcone object
#QUAC_geneclone <- as.genclone(QUAC_garden_wild_gen)

QUHA_geneclone <- as.genclone(QUHA_wild_gen)

##identify multi-locus genotypes (non-clones)
#QUAC_gen_id <-

QUHA_mlg_id <-

##function to pull out all clones into a list
QUHA_clone_index <- which(sapply(QUHA_mlg_id, function(x) length(x)>1))

##save a data frame of clones
QUHA_clone_list <- list()

##write a loop to compare all clones
for(i in 1:length(QUHA_clone_index)){

QUHA_clone_list[[i]] <- QUHA_mlg_id[[paste0(QUHA_clone_index[[i]])]]


##now remove clones from the matrix
QUHA_noclones <- clonecorrect(QUHA_geneclone)
##convert back to a genind object
QUHA_genind_nocl <- genclone2genind(QUHA_noclones) ##left with 542 individuals
##remove individuals with too much missing data
QUHA_genind_nomd <- missingno(QUHA_genind_nocl, type = "geno", cutoff = 0.25, quiet = FALSE, freq = FALSE) ##there were 7 individuals with too much missing data, left with 449 individuals

##write out to a genalex
genind2genalex(QUHA_genind_nomd, "C:\\Users\\eschumacher\\Documents\\GitHub\\QUHA_EW_Hyb\\QUHA_noclone_nomd_genalex.csv")

##read in relatedness file
QUHA_relate_df <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\eschumacher\\Documents\\GitHub\\QUHA_EW_Hyb\\Data_Files\\QUHA_noclone_nomd_df.csv")

##run relatedness analysis on the cleaned score data frame
QUHA_relatedness_df <- Demerelate(QUHA_relate_df, object = T, value = "loiselle")
##now identify how many individuals have greater than 25% relatedness = half siblings
QUHA_halfsib_names <- names(which(unlist(QUHA_relatedness_df$Empirical_Relatedness) > 0.25))

##then use this to create a document which has all the unique individual numbers for every highly related individuals
#QUAC_halfsib_names_cleanfront <- gsub("^.*\\.","", QUAC_halfsib_names)
QUHA_halfsib_names_cleanfront <- gsub("^.*\\.","", QUHA_halfsib_names)

#QUAC_halfsib_names_cleanback <- gsub("^.*\\_","", QUAC_halfsib_names_cleanfront)
QUHA_halfsib_names_cleanback <- gsub("^.*\\_","", QUHA_halfsib_names_cleanfront)

#QUAC_relate_ind_remove <- unique(QUAC_halfsib_names_cleanback) ##260 of these individuals have > 25% relatedness
QUHA_relate_ind_remove <- unique(QUHA_halfsib_names_cleanback) ##252 individuals are 25% related and >

##now limit genind object by these names
#QUAC_relate_red_gen <- QUAC_genind_nomd[!rownames(QUAC_genind_nomd@tab) %in% QUAC_relate_ind_remove,]
##and export to genalex
#genind2genalex(QUAC_relate_red_gen, file="QUAC_data_frames/Relate_Red/QUAC_relate_red_garden_wild_genalex.csv",
#overwrite = TRUE)
##limit data frame with the indiviudals that are highly related
#QUAC_red_relate_garden_wild_df <- QUAC_rel_df[!QUAC_rel_df$ID %in% QUAC_relate_ind_remove,]


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