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base repository: HoTT/Coq-HoTT
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: f1c091590e4bb2697cd7066e6290e427cb45e045
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head repository: HoTT/Coq-HoTT
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: dd2ca5cbb80ee5e447b5e9ca57acb2c32f9be75e
Choose a head ref
Showing with 211 additions and 315 deletions.
  1. +71 −95 theories/Pointed/Core.v
  2. +0 −11 theories/WildCat/Core.v
  3. +48 −61 theories/WildCat/Paths.v
  4. +74 −107 theories/WildCat/TwoOneCat.v
  5. +18 −41 theories/WildCat/Universe.v
166 changes: 71 additions & 95 deletions theories/Pointed/Core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -599,27 +599,6 @@ Defined.
Definition path_zero_morphism_pconst (A B : pType)
: (@pconst A B) = zero_morphism := idpath.

Instance Is0Bifunctor_ptype_comp (A B C : pType)
: Is0Bifunctor (cat_comp (A:= pType)(a:=A)(b:=B)(c:=C)).
apply Build_Is0Bifunctor''; constructor; intros.
- by apply pmap_postwhisker.
- by apply pmap_prewhisker.

Instance isTruncatedBicat_ptype : IsTruncatedBicat pType.
snrapply Build_IsTruncatedBicat.
- exact _.
- exact _.
- intros A B C D f g h. apply pmap_compose_assoc.
- intros; symmetry; apply pmap_compose_assoc.
- intros. apply pmap_postcompose_idmap.
- intros. symmetry; apply pmap_postcompose_idmap.
- intros. apply pmap_precompose_idmap.
- intros; symmetry; apply pmap_precompose_idmap.

(** pForall is a 1-category *)
Instance is1cat_pforall (A : pType) (P : pFam A) : Is1Cat (pForall A P) | 10.
@@ -645,84 +624,81 @@ Defined.
Instance is3graph_ptype : Is3Graph pType
:= fun f g => is2graph_pforall _ _.

Instance is1Bifunctor_ptype_comp (A B C : pType): Is1Bifunctor (cat_comp (a:=A) (b:=B) (c:=C)).
Instance is21cat_ptype : Is21Cat pType.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor''.
- intro g. apply Build_Is1Functor.
+ intros f f' h h' eq_h. simpl. srapply Build_pHomotopy.
* intro. apply (ap (ap g)). apply eq_h.
* by pelim eq_h h h' f f' g.
+ intro f; srapply Build_pHomotopy.
* reflexivity.
* by pelim f g.
+ intros f0 f1 f2 alpha beta. srapply Build_pHomotopy.
* intro. cbn; exact (ap_pp _ _ _).
* by pelim beta alpha f0 f1 f2 g.
- intro f. apply Build_Is1Functor.
+ intros g g' h h' eqh. simpl.
unshelve econstructor.
- exact _.
- intros A B C f; napply Build_Is1Functor.
+ intros g h p q r.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
* intro. simpl. apply eqh.
* cbn beta zeta. by pelim f eqh h h' g g'.
+ intro g. srapply Build_pHomotopy.
* reflexivity.
* destruct f as [f f_eq], g as [g g_eq]. simpl in *.
destruct f_eq, g_eq; reflexivity.
+ intros g0 g1 g2 alpha beta. simpl. snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
* reflexivity.
* by pelim f beta alpha g0 g1 g2.
- intros g g' beta f f' alpha.
unfold pmap_compose, fmap10, fmap01; simpl.
1: exact (fun _ => ap _ (r _)).
by pelim r p q g h f.
+ intros g.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: reflexivity.
by pelim g f.
+ intros g h i p q.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: cbn; exact (fun _ => ap_pp _ _ _).
by pelim p q g h i f.
- intros A B C f; napply Build_Is1Functor.
+ intros g h p q r.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: intro; exact (r _).
by pelim f r p q g h.
+ intros g.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: reflexivity.
by pelim f g.
+ intros g h i p q.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: reflexivity.
by pelim f p q i g h.
- intros A B C f g h k p q.
snapply Build_pHomotopy.
+ intros x.
exact (concat_Ap q _)^.
+ by pelim p f g q h k.
- intros A B C D f g.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros r1 r2 s1.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
* simpl. intro x. symmetry; apply concat_Ap.
* by pelim alpha f f' beta g g'.

Instance isbicat_ptype : IsBicategory pType.
snrapply Build_IsBicategory.
1-3: exact _.
- intros; constructor.
+ unfold bicat_assoc_opp; symmetry.
apply (phomotopy_compose_pV (pmap_compose_assoc h g f)).
+ unfold bicat_assoc_opp; symmetry; apply (phomotopy_compose_Vp).
- intros; constructor; unfold bicat_idl_opp; symmetry.
+ apply (phomotopy_compose_pV).
+ apply (phomotopy_compose_Vp).
- intros; constructor; unfold bicat_idr_opp; symmetry.
+ apply (phomotopy_compose_pV).
+ apply (phomotopy_compose_Vp).
- intros a b c d. snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros ((h, g), f) ((h',g'),f') ((tau,sigma),rho). simpl in *.
snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
+ simpl. intro x.
rewrite concat_1p, concat_p1.
rewrite ap_compose.
rewrite concat_p_pp.
apply (ap (fun z => z @ tau (g' (f' x)))).
rewrite <- ap_pp.
+ pelim rho f f' sigma g g' tau.
by pelim h h'.
- intros a b; snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros f f' h; snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
+ intro; simpl; by autorewrite with paths.
+ by pelim h f f'.
- intros a b; snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros f f' h; snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
+ intro; simpl; by autorewrite with paths.
+ by pelim h f f'.
- intros a b c d e f g h k.
snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
+ reflexivity.
+ by pelim f g h k.
- intros a b c f g. snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
+ reflexivity.
+ by pelim f g.
1: exact (fun _ => concat_p1 _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
by pelim f g s1 r1 r2.
- intros A B C D f g.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros r1 r2 s1.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: exact (fun _ => concat_p1 _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
by pelim f s1 r1 r2 g.
- intros A B C D f g.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros r1 r2 s1.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: cbn; exact (fun _ => concat_p1 _ @ ap_compose _ _ _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
by pelim s1 r1 r2 f g.
- intros A B.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros r1 r2 s1.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: exact (fun _ => concat_p1 _ @ ap_idmap _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
by pelim s1 r1 r2.
- intros A B.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros r1 r2 s1.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: exact (fun _ => concat_p1 _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
simpl; by pelim s1 r1 r2.
- intros A B C D E f g h j.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: reflexivity.
by pelim f g h j.
- intros A B C f g.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: reflexivity.
by pelim f g.

Global Instance is21cat_ptype : Is21Cat pType := {}.

(** The forgetful map from pType to Type is a 0-functor *)
Instance is0functor_pointed_type : Is0Functor pointed_type.
@@ -766,7 +742,7 @@ Proof.
intros I x.
snapply Build_Product.
- exact (pproduct x).
- exact pproduct_proj.
- exact pproduct_proj.
- exact (pproduct_corec x).
- intros Z f i.
snapply Build_pHomotopy.
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions theories/WildCat/Core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -173,17 +173,6 @@ Record RetractionOf {A} `{Is1Cat A} {a b : A} (f : a $-> b) :=
is_retraction : comp_left_inverse $o f $== Id a

Record AreInverse {A} `{Is1Cat A} {a b : A} (f : a $->b) (g : b $->a) := {
gf_id : Id a $== g $o f;
fg_id : Id b $== f $o g

Definition inverse_op {A} `{Is1Cat A} {a b : A} (f : a $-> b) (g : b $->a) (p : AreInverse f g) : AreInverse g f :=
gf_id := fg_id _ _ p;
fg_id := gf_id _ _ p

(** Often, the coherences are actually equalities rather than homotopies. *)
Class Is1Cat_Strong (A : Type)`{!IsGraph A, !Is2Graph A, !Is01Cat A} :=
109 changes: 48 additions & 61 deletions theories/WildCat/Paths.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics Basics.PathGroupoids.
Require Import WildCat.Core WildCat.TwoOneCat WildCat.NatTrans WildCat.Bifunctor.
Require Import WildCat.Core WildCat.TwoOneCat WildCat.NatTrans.

(** * Path groupoids as wild categories *)

@@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ Proof.
exact (@ap _ _ (cat_precomp c f)).

(** Composition is a 0-bifunctor when the 2-cells are paths. *)
Instance is0bifunctor_cat_comp_paths (A :Type) `{Is01Cat A} (a b c :A)
: Is0Bifunctor (cat_comp (a:=a) (b:=b) (c:=c))
:= Build_Is0Bifunctor'' _ .

(** Any type is a 1-category with n-morphisms given by paths. *)
Instance is1cat_paths {A : Type} : Is1Cat A.
@@ -67,20 +62,6 @@ Proof.
- exact (@concat_1p A).

Instance IsTruncatedBicat_paths (A: Type) : IsTruncatedBicat A.
snrapply Build_IsTruncatedBicat.
- exact _.
- intros a b c. simpl. change concatR with (cat_comp (a:=a) (b:=b) (c:=c)).
rapply is0bifunctor_cat_comp_paths.
- intros a b c d; apply concat_p_pp.
- intros a b c d; apply concat_pp_p.
- intros a b f; apply concat_p1.
- intros a b f; symmetry; apply concat_p1.
- intros a b f; apply concat_1p.
- intros a b f; symmetry; apply concat_1p.

(** Any type is a 1-groupoid with morphisms given by paths. *)
Instance is1gpd_paths {A : Type} : Is1Gpd A.
@@ -89,49 +70,55 @@ Proof.
- exact (@concat_Vp A).

Instance Is1Bifunctor_cat_comp_paths (A: Type) (a b c : A)
: Is1Bifunctor (cat_comp (a:=a) (b:=b) (c:=c)).
(** Any type is a 2-category with higher morphhisms given by paths. *)
Instance is21cat_paths {A : Type} : Is21Cat A.
apply Build_Is1Bifunctor''.
- intro q. snrapply Build_Is1Functor.
+ intros ? ? ? ?. exact( (ap (fun x => whiskerR x _))).
snapply Build_Is21Cat.
- exact _.
- exact _.
- intros x y z p.
snapply Build_Is1Functor.
+ intros a b q r.
exact (ap (fun x => whiskerR x _)).
+ reflexivity.
+ intros p0 p1 p2. apply whiskerR_pp.
- intro p. snrapply Build_Is1Functor.
+ intros ? ? ? ?. exact (ap (whiskerL p)).
+ intros a b c.
exact (whiskerR_pp p).
- intros x y z p.
snapply Build_Is1Functor.
+ intros a b q r.
exact (ap (whiskerL p)).
+ reflexivity.
+ intros p0 p1 p2. exact (whiskerL_pp p).
- intros q q' beta p p' alpha. exact (concat_whisker _ _ _ _ _ _)^.

(** Any type is a 2-category with higher morphisms given by paths. *)
Instance is21cat_paths {A : Type} : Is21Cat A.
snrapply Build_Is21Cat; [snrapply Build_IsBicategory | | ].
1-3, 12-13: exact _.
- (* assoc and assoc_opp are inverse *)
intros a b c d f g h. constructor; simpl; destruct h, g, f; reflexivity.
- (* idl and idl_opp are inverse *)
intros a b f; constructor; destruct f; reflexivity.
- (* idr and idr_opp are inverse *)
intros a b f; constructor; destruct f; reflexivity.
- (* assoc is natural *)
intros a b c d.
snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros ((h, g), f) ((h', g'), f') ((s,r),q). simpl in s, r, q. simpl.
destruct q, s, h, r, g, f; reflexivity.
- (* idl is natural *)
intros a b; snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros f f' alpha; destruct alpha, f; reflexivity.
- (* idr is natural *)
intros a b; snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros f f' alpha; destruct alpha, f; reflexivity.
- (* Pentagon *)
intros a b c d e p q r s.
lhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
apply pentagon.
- (* Triangle *)
intros a b c p q.
+ intros a b c.
exact (whiskerL_pp p).
- intros a b c q r s t h g.
exact (concat_whisker q r s t h g)^.
- intros a b c d q r.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros s t h.
apply concat_p_pp_nat_r.
- intros a b c d q r.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros s t h.
apply concat_p_pp_nat_m.
- intros a b c d q r.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros s t h.
apply concat_p_pp_nat_l.
- intros a b.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros p q h; cbn.
apply moveL_Mp.
lhs napply concat_p_pp.
exact (whiskerR_p1 h).
- intros a b.
snapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros p q h.
apply moveL_Mp.
lhs rapply concat_p_pp.
exact (whiskerL_1p h).
- intros a b c d e p q r s.
lhs napply concat_p_pp.
exact (pentagon p q r s).
- intros a b c p q.
exact (triangulator p q).