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File metadata and controls

43 lines (29 loc) · 1.7 KB


Run to set up with my preferred scripts, functions, and installed software To install everything you need:

git clone /opt/setup
cd /opt/setup
sudo bash

Useful functions and aliases:

changetarget <IPADDR> allows you to export your current target IP so you can use it as a variable later on in your commands. For example

nmap -A -T4 -sV -sC $TARGET --script vuln -p 8080 -oA nmap/nmap

gcat allows you to use grc's color adding functionality to easierly (is that a word?) parse through your logs. for example

gcat nmap/nmap.nmap

shadowy takes two files in your $PWD; shadow and passwd and uses john w/ rockyou to try and crack them example: shadowy

mkd makes a directory and cd's into it

Example: mkd ~/Examples/targetattack/nmap

qnfo gathers some quick information on a targetted IP. Including ping, traceroute, and quick nmap scan


ex will extract a various number of types of compressed files, .zip .gz *.tar etc etc. Usage: ex compressed.gz

sourceZsh and zshrc the former will do what you think it does, the latter will open ~/.zshrc for editing and source it when you're done.

Useful variables

$TARGET we have covered along with the changetarget function TUNIP is your VPN IP you can echo $TUNIP to see your current IP, you can also use it in commands, such as when creating a reverse shell payload LOCIP same as above, except less useful generally.


If you open a new terminal window, or source your ~/.zshrc it will automatically try and connect you to VPN. Remember to change the vpns alias to reflect to where your OpenVPN file from THM is located so that it works.