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Native numbers

Currently Bend supports 3 types of native numbers for fast numeric operations (compared to lambda-encoded numbers):

  • U24: Unsigned integers (24 bits)
  • I24: Signed integers (24 bits, two's complement)
  • F24: Floating point numbers (single precision IEEE-754 floating point with the last bits of the mantissa implicitly set to zero)


Unsigned numbers are written as just the number and are represented as a 24 bit unsigned integer.

two = 2


Signed numbers are written with a + or - sign and are represented as a 24 bit two's complement integer.

minus_two = -2
plus_0 = +0

Positive numbers must be written with a + sign, otherwise they'll be interpreted as unsigned.

Numbers can also be written in binary or hexadecimal form. Underscores can be optionally used as digit separators to make large numbers more readable.

decimal =     1194684
binary =      0b100_100_011_101_010_111_100
hexadecimal = 0x123_abc
hex_signed = -0xbeef


Floating point numbers must have the decimal point . and can optionally take a sign + or -. They are represented as IEEE-754 single precision floating point numbers with the last bits of the mantissa implicitly set to zero.

one = 1.0
pi = +3.1415926535897932384626433 # Will get rounded to 24bit float
a_millionth = 0.000001
zero = 0.0
minus_zero = -0.0

Mixing number types

The three number types are fundamentally different. At the HVM level, both type and the operation are stored inside the number nodes as tags. One number stores the type, the other the operation. That means that we lose the type information of one of the numbers, which causes this behavior. During runtime, the executed numeric function depends on both the type tag and the operation tag. For example, the same tag is used for unsigned bitwise and floating point atan2, so if you mix two numbers of different types, HVM will interpret the binary representation of one of them incorrectly, leading to incorrect results. Which number is interpreted incorrectly depends on the situation and shouldn't be relied on for now. Instead, you should make sure that all numbers are of the same type.

Casting numbers

There is a way to convert between the different number types, and using it is very easy, here's an example:

def main() -> _:
  x = f24/to_i24(1.0)
  y = u24/to_f24(2)
  z = i24/to_u24(-3)

  return (x, y, z)

You can find more number casting functions and their declarations at


There is also support for native operations. In "Imp" syntax they are infix operators and in "Fun" syntax they are written in reverse polish notation (like you'd call a normal function). Each operation takes two arguments and returns a new number.

# In Fun syntax
some_val = (+ (+ 7 4) (* 2 3))

These are the currently available operations:

Operation Description Accepted types Return type
+ Addition U24, I24, F24 Same as arguments
- Subtraction U24, I24, F24 Same as arguments
* Multiplication U24, I24, F24 Same as arguments
/ Division U24, I24, F24 Same as arguments
% Modulo U24, I24, F24 Same as arguments
== Equality U24, I24, F24 U24
!= Inequality U24, I24, F24 U24
< Less than U24, I24, F24 U24
<= Less than or equal to U24, I24, F24 U24
> Greater than U24, I24, F24 U24
>= Greater than or equal to U24, I24, F24 U24
& Bitwise and U24, I24 Same as arguments
| Bitwise or U24, I24 Same as arguments
^ Bitwise xor U24, I24 Same as arguments
** Exponentiation F24 F24


Name Description Accepted types Return type
log(x, base) Logarithm F24 F24
atan2(x, y) 2 arguments arctangent (atan2f) F24 F24

Pattern matching

Bend also includes a switch syntax for pattern-matching U24 numbers.

Number.to_church = λn λf λx
  switch n {
    0: x
    _: (f (Number.to_church n-1 f x))

The 0 case matches when n is 0, and the _ case matches when n is greater than 0. In the _ arm, we can access the predecessor of n with the n-1 variable.

We can also match on more than one value at once. To do that, we must cover the cases in order, starting from 0.

Number.minus_three = λn λf λx
  switch n {
    0: 0
    1: 0
    2: 0
    _: n-3

Using everything we learned, we can write a program that calculates the n-th Fibonacci number using native numbers:

fibonacci = λn # n is the argument
  switch n {
    # If the number is 0, then return 0
    0: 0
    # If the number is 1, then return 1
    1: 1
    # Otherwise, return the sum of (fib (n-2 + 1)) and (fib n-2)
    # The successor pattern provides a `var`-`successor number` bind
    _: (+ (fibonacci (+ n-2 1)) (fibonacci n-2))

main = (fibonacci 15)

Pattern matching numbers in Fun syntax equations

In Fun syntax, we can also use pattern matching equations to match on native unsigned numbers.

(fib 1) = 1
(fib 0) = 0
(fib n) = (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))

Unlike with switch, you can match any number and in any order. The variable pattern is used to match on all other numbers. Unlike with switch, you can't directly access the predecessor of the number.

You can read Pattern matching for more information about how pattern matching equations are converted to switch and match expressions.