Ensure all steps below are executed in AWS region: London (eu-west-2).
Time to deploy: Approximately 10 minutes
Log in to the AWS Management Console using your TRE Project 1 Prod account and Admin privileges.
- Go to Service: AWS CloudFormation
- Select the Stacks menu option on the left side
- Press button: Create Stack with new resources
- Select option Upload a template file to upload CloudFormation template file: deployment instance and press on button Next
- Provide Stack name: "TREDeploymentInstance". Adjust default parameter values if needed. Press on button Next twice and then on button Create stack
- Confirm the stack status is "CREATE_COMPLETE"
- Follow these instructions to learn how to connect via SSM to the EC2 instance created in Step 1A.
- Run the following command to initialise your environment:
sudo -iu ec2-user
- Run the following commands to get a copy of the TREEHOOSE TRE open-source repository:
cd /home/ec2-user/tmp
wget https://github.com/HicResearch/TREEHOOSE/archive/$VERSION.tar.gz
tar --strip-components=1 -xzf $VERSION.tar.gz -C TREEHOOSE
if you want to install a different release of TREEHOOSE.
If you are familiar with git
you can clone the repository instead.
Note: The installation process requires 3rd party open-source libraries to be installed on the EC2 instance that does not come bundled by default with the Operating System.
The list is as below \
- yum-utils, git, jq, and packer from yum repository.
- AWS CLI V2, AWS CDK V1.0 and V2.0
- NVM, NodeJs V14.17.0 and V16.15.0
- NPM packages pnpm, serverless
- GO