Releases: HSLdevcom/OpenTripPlanner
Releases · HSLdevcom/OpenTripPlanner
Minor logging improvements.
- Add possibility to match stops which either have extra H-prefix in OSM or in GTFS data (useful for HSL as GTFS data does not have H-prefixes yet)
- Modify nextbike bike rental updater to work with new nextbike APIs
- Fixed issue where SKIPPED stops sometimes caused whole trip to be canceled
- Added support for filtering alerts based on severity level, effect and cause
- Fixes to sharingOS data source
- Added sharingOS bike rental data source
- Fixed currency calculation in TicketTypes GraphQL query and made it possible to fetch the zones that the tickets are valid for
- Fixed Finnish localization of generic place names
- Take omitCancelled parameter into account when fetching stoptimes
- Propagate trip updates backwards to allow trip time estimates that are before scheduled times
- Allow using SKIPPED schedule_relationship for stops in trip updates
- Fixed issue with trip times being canceled if stop only includes data about either arrival or departure
- Add alertUrlTranslations field to service alerts in GraphQL API
- Added API for fetching cancelled trips
- Timeout for graphQL queries increased to max 30 seconds
- Added allowedBikeRentalNetworks for limiting routing to certain bike rental networks
- Fixed bug in bike rental station information not being updated if fetched from graph
- Added support for Samocat scooter station updater
- Added omitCanceled routing parameter to choose if canceled trips are returned or not
- Added cause, effect and severityLevel to service alerts
- Added way to fetch alerts for a stop through GraphQL API
- Changed agencies to be linked to feedIds in APIs
- Fixed wheelchair accessibility in transfers
- Made it possible to use credentials for a MQTT feed
- Fixed issue with stop times being updated/canceled when they are not in feed data
- Added a default way to create unpreferred/preferred/banned routes
- Added useUnpreferredRoutesPenalty to APIs to control how much penalty seconds are added to unpreferred routes
- Added networks information to bike rental Smoove stations