Releases: HSLdevcom/OpenTripPlanner
Releases · HSLdevcom/OpenTripPlanner
13.6.2023 V2
- Use Finnish traversal permission rules in constant speed car routing
- Recent OTP upstream changes
5.6.2023 V2
- Generate in seat transfers when trips share the same block id and some service days regardless if they share the same service id
- Some recent upstream changes
23.5.2023 V2
- Some relatively recent upstream changes
- Heuristic to reduce access/egress search based on found stops
- Removed walk leg in stay seated transfers
19.4.2023 V2
- Recent upstream changes
- Fixed default streetRoutingTimeout in transfer cache requests
3.4.2023 V2
- Fixed returning bikes to rental stations that allow overloading
- Fixed issue with island pruning
17.3.2023 V2
- Bring recent upstream changes
- Fix how smoove updater interprets station's operation status
15.3.2023 V2
- Fix locale handling for the plan query
14.3.2023 V2
- Walk paths on areas such as railway platforms now follow optimal straight line
- Alternative departures suggested at itineraries no longer show duplicates
- Invalid alert data no longer causes exception
28.2.2023 v2
- Fix severity, cause and effect filtering on alerts query
27.2.2023 v2
- Fix to realtime updates freezing OTP