For robots’ robust localization in varying illumination environments, the study proposes a novel automated camera-exposure control framework to capture the best-exposed images.
Performance comparison with various image quality metrics.
Qualitative performance evaluation with different exposure control methods.
- System: ubuntu 16.04
- C++ version: c++14
- OpenCV 3.3.4
- g++/gcc >= 7.0
- cmake >= 3.10
Feature Match
The test code is to compare the matching performance of different Image Quality Metrics, corresponds to the results in table 2.
cd src/FeatureMatch
mkdir build
cd build
Automated Exposure Control
The test code is utilized to control the exposure parameters of Intel D435i camera. To dynamically control the exposure parameters of D435i, please install or build from source the SDK as
git clone
cd ExposureControl
source ./devel/setup.bash
# launch camera.
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
# run camera dynamic_reconfigure.
rosrun dynamic_reconfigure
# run camera exposure control code.
rosrun stander_tutorials ExposureControl
If you use our work, please cite:
author={Yu Wang, Haoyao Chen,Shiwu Zhang and Wencan Lu},
journal={Autonomous Robots},
title={Automated Camera-Exposure Control for Robust Localization in Varying Illumination Environments},
The source code is released under GPLv3 license.