- Paper reading
- Scaled mean shape
- Rotated both mean shape and deformation vectors
- Got tracklet data from the devkit labels
- Obtained 3D projections of the bounding boxes using the Mobili formula
- This is the translation element corresponding to the car (6 elements for each of the 6 cars)
- Rotated the mean shape and deformation vectors according to the
field from the tracklets- Then, added the translation element from the previous task to the mean shape
- Then, projected the 3D mean shape wireframe to 2D using the camera intrinsics matrix and divided x and y coordinates with z coordinate (concepts of homogeneous coordinates)
- Plotted the corresponding wireframes onto the images of the 6 cars (from the left_colour_images)
- From file of predicted keypoint locations in 2D outputted by the hourglass network, rescaled their locations to adjust from 64 x 64 img (hourglass network takes imgs with this dimension) to the original image dimensions so that the predicted keypoints can be visualized on the actual car
- At this point, we use ceres to further improve the predictions
- First, we get the weights matrix corresponding to the predicted keypoints
- Then, we create a file containing all the required info for the ceres pose optimizer
- The optimizer generates a rotation and translation matrix for each of the 6 cars, which improves the pose estimates
- The wireframes are then corrected and the image coordinates are generated using the process used in Task 4