v0.7.4-core (2024-04-05)
- Replace Vuelidate with Laravel Precognition
- Upgrade to Laravel 11
- Upgrade to latest Midone
- Change how we create Vue components with our structures
- Align migration file naming with Laravel 11
v0.7.3 (2023-08-17)
- Replace Vee-Validate with Vuelidate
- Create core branch for easy upgrades
v0.7.0 (2023-03-09)
- Upgrade Laravel to version 10
- Moving Logics From Services To Actions
- Dropping Breeze, use Fortify solely
- Web Will Have Service Layer
- Embracing TypeScript
- Change UUID to ULID
v0.6.0 (2022-07-09)
- Break the monolith architecture
- Replacing Dusk with Cypress
v0.5.0 (2022-07-02)
- Adding uuid for parent tables
- Refreshing the laravel to the latest
- Utilizing model binding in parameters
- Streamlining the Services with the model binding
- Streamlining migrations (no more testdb migrations folder)
- Utilizing the laravel policies and prepare for authorization, restoration, etc
- Streamlining tests creations
v0.4.0 (2022-06-12)
- Framework is ready for production
- Include Laravel Dusk
- Adding CI/CD
v0.3 (2022-04-02)
- Upgrade the code to be compatible with PHP 8.1
- Upgrade the code to be compatible with Laravel to 9
- Upgrade Midone template to use Tailwindcss 3 (move from sass to css and using postcss)
- Add #region folding for some clarity
v0.2 (2022-02-27)
- Changing branch and versioning into SemVer (Semantic Versioning)
- Officially using Midone Template
- Embrace PHP 8 (named arguments, arguments types, return types)
- Adding test unit for service layers and api code
- Embrace the Laravel + VueJS Style
- Slimmer landing page and template dependent
- Split the code into master and boilerplate (for easier upgrade)
- Messaging System
- Using new laravel/fortify and laravel/sanctum
- Utilize VueJS 3 as components
- Reboot from TKBARUSPA
- Officially using CodeBase template
- 1st concept of POS materialize in GitHub
- more clearer concept of 'always update always evolving' in PHP
- update the PHP project to SPA/PWA