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71 lines (60 loc) · 4.09 KB

Manual Annotation Cleaning

We manually look at annotations and correct them.

Common issues


  • MacroEconomics: remove MacroEconomics die niet over specifiek bedrijf of ligging in markt gaan.
    • verwijder macroeconomics zonder affectedcompany participants.
  • FinancialReport: kijk na of niet verward wordt met Profit/Loss, Expense, Revenue (vooral Anno_01)
  • Verwijzing naar Earnings-per-share: Profit/Loss of a company
  • "Stock multiple": metric for FinancialResult
  • TIME Filler participants not always tagged, wrongly tagged (not a specific temportal point/duration)
  • Earnings per share: Profit/Loss not FinancialReport of Revenue: check dit manual op string. Als token "earnings" gevonden: check of event of als event gevonden check dat type Profit/Loss is.
  • Under/Overvalued: SecurityValue: check this manually
  • Underweight / Overweight / Overbought / Underbought : analyst rating
  • to grow/growth/decrease/increase: growth terms are often used generically for several possible financial metrics such Revenue, Profit/Loss/Earnings, Sales, etc. They are often used anaphorically or the specific financial metric category is inferred from context. These events are particularly difficult to annotate due the reliance of contextual inference needed. Pay special attention to these terms. Do not confuse Revenue with SalesVolume: generically used Revenue , e.g., "services business will grow": Revenue.Increase type.


  • Annotated a lot of events without participants.
  • Financialreport en Expense vaak verward.
  • SecurityValue en Rating vaak verward of verkeerd aangeduid.
  • Earnings are Profit/Loss: confuses earnings per share a lot
  • Stable subtype is tagged where no subtype should be tagged
  • A lot events with no participants


  • TIME filler not full consitutent but NP only: resolve this automatically in preprocessing
  • SalesVolume trigger often do not include "sales" but only the main verb: this is a problem.
  • Overvalued is wrongly annotated as SecurityValue while it Rating.underperform: CHECK FOR ALL.
  • (Content obligations are a film distributer EXPENSES not Investments regarding Netflix()


  • SalesVolume_subtype: does not annotate Amount of sales if is percentage
  • SalesVolume trigger: missing verb or "sales"


  • Identify largely unannotated docs and check them manually or remove them.
  • Check if all below are possible with WebAnno automations.
  • Remove macroeconomic events without affectedcompany
  • FinancialReport: make "Result" participant part of the trigger, .
  • Check corpus for specialization:
    • Check division of documents by company.
    • Check divisions of documents by sector.
    • Check division of events (all and by type) by company.
    • Check divisions of events (all and by type) by sector.
  • Run separability checks on dataset trigger annotations.

Typology Improvement Plan: Proposed typology changes

  • Product/service:
    • requires a PRODUCTION (increase/decrease subtype) or a separate production type (encountered 8x when manually correcting, not really often, maybe not necessary)
    • Pricing comes up a lot too (40x when manually correcting): In coming version add Product/Service.Pricing.
  • Macroeconomics: split in types/possible subtypes: Market Share, and rest: competitor.: Market Share is a good annotation to add.
  • On all types that are metrics with Increase/Decrease/Stable types: add HistoricalAmount, Increase/DecreaseAmount, CurrentAmount
  • On all financial statement and accounting metrics: add a Source participant that indicates the source (SalesVolume has Product/Sales), Revenue needs this, Expense needs this, Profit/Loss needs this.
  • Rename Profit/Loss to Earnings.
  • Legal: add Complainant on all subtypes.

V 1.1 changes:

  • add Marketshare subtype on Macroeconomics
  • add participants on financial metrics??? => too big an edit

Discussion with Veronique (5/12/2018):

  • Zelf verbeteren is beste oplossing: 2 weken nemen
  • Rond kerst: schrijven.
  • Publications:
    • LRE journal A1: resource description.
    • CB bullying paper: WebOfScience-indexed conferentie: conferenties met IEEE of AAAI conferenties in WoS.