* - Only for Windows / Required in Windows
This is the main file in which the whole program is contained a.k.a monolithic programming .
As the name suggests this file builds the project.
Compatible on all platforms
This is the file used for cleaning the codebase i.e getting rid of *.exe files in Windows or name executables in UNIX-platforms .
Usually used just before commiting in the repo
This is the file which will build all the dependencies of this project.
For using this, you require either of the two compilers: MinGW or MSVC and Git installed
CMakeLists.txt - ⚠️ NOT READY YET ⚠️
This is the file which will build this project including all the dependencies. Still experimenting since I don't know how to use CMake.
This is the folder which contains all the header files.
This is the folder which contains all the static libraries.
This is the folder where the produced executables go.
In UNIX-platforms the executable is produced in the main folder itself.