- issue with various filter tyes and random drop filters
- a few minor issues with C api (helicsFederateSetMaxIterations)
- potential threading issues when updating the logger on an executing federate
- federates will now propagate errors properly for duplicate publications and endpoints
- federates will now error on missing required publications
- implement use of fmt library instead of boost::format
- improved python installation scripts
- general threading and refactoring of the core
- automatic name generation no longer uses random uuid's, but a shorter 20 character random string
- queryCoreExecute, queryBrokerExecute to the C api to allow queries to be executed directly on brokers and cores
- C++ API changes to Brokers and Core's to allow queries directly
- new queries (federate_map, and dependency_graph(partial))
- additional filter tests and query tests
- realtime mode for HELICS specified by activating the realtime flag, and specifying rt_lag and rt_lead the federate will then delay grant or force_grant based on computer clock to match wall time.
- BrokerApp as a slightly more convenient runner to Brokers
- getXXSize functions directly in the Subscription object instead of a roundabout call in the C api
- more complete error catching for the C library
- added helics-config executable for getting paths and links and used flags
- upgrade autobuild ZMQ version to 4.2.5 and change CMake scripts to use zmq target
- updated HELICSConfig.cmake install file to link properly to external libraries and find them if necessary, also included some find functions. The find_package(HELICS) should work properly now
- changed boost inclusion to use targets instead of files directly
- changed MPI inclusion to work better on windows and use targets instead of direct links
- update cereal library with latest bug fixes
- update jsoncpp with latest version
- update cppzmq with the latest version
- moved helics_broker executable code to the apps repository
- the CXX shared library can now be built alongside the C shared library and can be built on Windows.
- compilation issue with Xcode 8.0
- inconsistent numerical conversion from vectors to doubles in subscriptions
- installation of HELICSImport.cmake this is now redundant with updated HELICSConfig.cmake
- namedpoint functions in the C++ for publications and subscriptions, and corresponding functions in the C interface and language API's
- boolean publication and subscription for C++ interface, and corresponding functions in the C interface and language API's
- new options for brokers, --local, --ipv4, --ipv6, --all, are shortcuts for specifying external network interfaces
- additional documentation, CONTRIBUTORS, ROADMAP, CONTRIBUTIONS, and some other other documentation improvements
- the default interface configuration for federates and brokers. The --interface option is less important as interfaces should mostly get automatically determined by the broker address
- minor configuration changes to cmake to be more conforming with modern cmake best practices
- cleaned up header installation for app directory
- shared libary construction now uses some headers generated by cmake
- better error checking in the C interface
- fixes for occasionally failing tests
This release increases the test coverage and improves the installers and interfaces including Java, Matlab, and python. The binaries contain installers for the libraries, interfaces and executables. The static libraries included are build for Visual Studio 2017 64 bit
This release fixes an issue with brokers in the previous release, all users should update to this release
Please use 1.0.0-beta.1 instead