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SEACAR Water Quality Project (Task 2: FY2023-2024)

Task 2a: Evaluating IDW and RK with Barriers

This task include:

  1. Develop Python code to create interpolation maps using RK and IDW with barriers for 6 water quality parameters in 5 waterbodies in seasons around selected storms.
  2. Develop cross-validation algorithm to compute RMSE and ME for IDW with barriers.
  3. Summarizing and comparing RMSE and ME between RK and IWD in the interpolated maps.


All deliverables are stored in the folder ..\Box\SEACAR_OEAT_FY22-23\SEACAR_WQ_Analysis_Pilot\Deliverables Task 2a

├───ArcGIS_project              (ArcGIS project displaying output maps)
│   ├───Interpolated_maps
├───GIS_Data                    (Auxiliary GIS data)
├───Interpolated_maps           (Interpolated raster maps)
│   ├───idw_All
│   ├───idw_Con
│   └───rk_All
├───result                      (Comparison results of RK&IDW)
│   ├───result_v1
│   ├───result_v2
│   └───result_v3
├───shapefiles                  (Data points used for interpolation)
│   ├───shapefiles_All
│   └───shapefiles_Con
└───StandardizedOutputs         (Standardized output for Deliverables)

Task 2b: IDW using Continuous Sites and Different Time Bins

This task include:

  1. Develop Python code to create interpolation maps using RK and IDW with barriers for 6 water quality parameters in 5 waterbodies in:
  1. A preliminary gap analysis that use discrete data to validate the monthly and weekly maps interpolated using continuous data.

All deliverables of Task 2b are stored in the folder ..\Box\SEACAR_OEAT_FY22-23\SEACAR_WQ_Analysis_Pilot\Deliverables Task 2b

├───gap_analysis                  (Deliverables of the gap analysis)
│   └───kde_maps
│       ├───month
│       └───week
├───Interpolated_maps             (Interpolated maps in seasonal, monthly and weekly intervals)
│   ├───CrossYear_IDW_All
│   ├───CrossYear_RK_All
│   ├───FourSeasons_IDW_All
│   ├───FourSeasons_RK_All
│   ├───IDW_Month
│   ├───IDW_Week
│   ├───TwoSeasons_IDW_All
│   └───TwoSeasons_RK_All
├───rmse_me                       (RMSE and ME in the interpolated maps)
└───shapefiles                    (Point data used for the interpolation)

Task 2f: Parameter Statistics

Calculating summary statistics () of the parameters per monitoring location and season.

All deliverables of Task 2f are stored in the folder ..\Box\SEACAR_OEAT_FY22-23\SEACAR_WQ_Analysis_Pilot\Deliverables Task 2f

├───archive             (archived boxplots)
├───boxplots            (boxplots of summary statistics)
├───python              (Python codes generating the statistics and boxplots)
└───statistics          (tables of summary statistics)