This guide provides detailed information about configuring Ethers for your Elixir project. We'll cover all available configuration options, their purposes, and best practices for different scenarios.
Ethers uses Ethereumex as an Ethereum RPC client by default. A default URL can be set using the elixir config statements like the example below.
You can use one of the RPC URLs for your chain/wallet of choice or try out one of them from We recommend using a reliable RPC provider (line infura or quicknodes) for production.
# Configure the default JSON-RPC endpoint URL
config :ethereumex, url: "https://..."
Note: If your app requires multiple RPC endpoints (e.g. multi-chain) then you need to pass in the
URL for each operation via :rpc_opts
key. (e.g., rpc_opts: [url: "https://..."])
Specifies the module responsible for making JSON-RPC calls to the Ethereum node. This module must implement
config :ethers, rpc_client: Ethereumex.HttpClient
Module for Keccak-256 hashing operations. Uses ExKeccak
by default.
config :ethers, keccak_module: ExKeccak
Handles JSON encoding/decoding. Uses Jason
by default.
config :ethers, json_module: Jason # If you prefer using Poison
Handles elliptic curve operations for signing and public key operations.
config :ethers, secp256k1_module: ExSecp256k1
Specifies the default module for transaction signing by default.
Also use default_signer_opts
as default signer options if needed (See example).
: For local private key signingEthers.Signer.JsonRPC
: For remote signing via RPC
config :ethers,
default_signer: Ethers.Signer.Local,
default_signer_opts: [private_key: System.fetch_env!("ETH_PRIVATE_KEY")]
Safety margin for gas estimation. Precision is 0.01%. Default is 11000 = 110%.
This will increase the estimated gas value so transactions are less likely to run out of gas.
config :ethers, default_gas_margin: 11000 # 110% gas margin
Safety margin for max fee per gas in EIP-1559 transactions. Precision is 0.01%. Default is 12000 = 120%.
config :ethers, default_max_fee_per_gas_margin: 12000 # 120% of current gas price.
- Never commit private keys or sensitive configuration
- Use environment variables for sensitive values
- Consider using runtime configuration for flexibility
Gas Management:
- Adjust gas margins based on network conditions
- Use higher margins on networks with more volatility
RPC Endpoints:
- Use reliable RPC providers in production
- Consider fallback RPC endpoints
- Monitor RPC endpoint performance
- If possible, Use ethers_kms in production for better security
- Keep private keys secure when using
- RPC Connection Issues:
# Verify your RPC connection
config :ethereumex,
url: "",
http_options: [recv_timeout: 60_000] # Increase timeout if needed
- Gas Estimation Failures: Increase gas margin for complex contracts
config :ethers, default_gas_margin: 15000 # 150%
Or manually provide the gas estimation when sending/signing transactions.