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File metadata and controls

125 lines (85 loc) · 3.17 KB


A custom and simple wrapper API of BLEAK, to comunicate with a movesense BLE multisensor device.

from movesense_class import *
from util_fun import *
import asyncio

Scan for movesense ble devices

devices = await scan_movesense_address(timeout=5)
if devices:
    for i in devices:
        print("mac: " + str(i[0]))
        address = i[0]

# address = "0C:8C:DC:41:DB:EB"

Create and set a BLEClient with its address.

If client is setted, then mv_client.set_client() sould return true

mv_client = BLEClient()

print(f"Client setted: {mv_client.set_client()}")

*NODATAprint(f"Client setted: {mv_client.set_client()}")

Set request type and rate if needed

Data type Electrocardiogram HeartRate Accelerometer Magnetometer Gyroscope Acc+Gyro Acc+Magn Acc+Gyro+Magn Temperature Stop
Request name 'ecg' 'hr' 'acc' 'magn' 'gyro' 'imu6' 'imu6m' 'imu9' 'temp' 'stop'
Valid rates X_2 X_1 x_1 x_1 x_1 x_1 x_1
X_1 Rates 13 26 52 104 208 416 833 1666
X_2 Rates 125 128 200 250 256 500 512 -
request_type = "ecg"
rate = 200

Connect to the device and write the request.

Return true if succeed.

You can change the request later on but have to disconnect at the end.

# Connect
await mv_client.connect()
print(f"Connected : {mv_client.is_connected}")
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

# Write Characteristic
res = await mv_client.write_characteristic(request_type,rate)
print(f"Wrote Characteristic: {res}")

Start recevied notifications.

While notifying data will be stored at the queue (mv_client.queue).

You have to stop the recieving later on (or just disconect).

await mv_client.start_notify()
print(f'Notifying: {mv_client.is_notifying}')

While notifying data are stored at the queue.

Run the below multiple times to see the size change

print(f"Current queue size: {mv_client.queue.qsize()}")

At this stage you can change the request by writing a new one and the new data recieved will be stored and the queue.

Beware the index of the new ones.

# request_type = "ecg"
rate = 250
res = await mv_client.write_characteristic(request_type,rate)
print(f"Wrote Characteristic: {res}")

Asuming you want to stop recieving notifications:

await mv_client.stop_notify()
print(f'Notifying: {mv_client.is_notifying}')

At the end of the process write a stop request and disconect from the device.

await mv_client.disconnect()
print(f"Connected : {mv_client.is_connected}")

Empty the current queue and plot the ecg data

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = await ecg_from_queue(queue = mv_client.queue, save_timestamps = False)
