Releases: EvanHerman/yikes-inc-easy-mailchimp-extender
Releases · EvanHerman/yikes-inc-easy-mailchimp-extender
Remove unnecessary Google Tracking code from the entire plugin
Release v4.2
- Updated FAQ
- Re-worked the redirect for a better user experience
- Unified error messages into a single container on the front end
- Converted custom opt-in messages to utilize the WYSIWYG editors ( now allowing for html and images to be used in your success messages )
- Re-styled front end interest group containers
= 4.1 =
- Fixed JavaScript errors when Address field is set to required
- Added user feedback on successful re-import of forms
- Fixed some style issues
- Added animate.css
- Added class to required fields that were left empty
- Remove outdated jQuery
- Now error is appended to the form, instead of alerted through JavaScript
- Fixed date picker field, and images associated to it
- Added ability to include html mark-up to confirmation fields
= 4.0 =
- Added Interest Group/Segment Support
- Ability To See Number of Subscriber Per List
- View Subscribers MailChimp Profile
- Customize Segment Group Label
- Customize Submit Button Text
- Redirect User to Specified Page On Submission
- Customize Success Message
- Added cURL Server Error Checking
- Added further error checking to pages
- Custom TinyMCE shortcode button
- Resolve fatal error thrown upon plugin activation
- Replace missing MailChimp API v2.0 Wrapper
- Update MailChimp API to v2.0
- Added API Validation Check on settings page
- Updated jQuery libraries
- Added conditional check for jQuery libraries to prevent conflicts
- Added conditional check to allow the plugin to work on SSL enabled sites