24 May 2020: first stable version 1.0 (VCL)
- The component TSVGIconImageList with advanced component editor.
- The component TSVGIconImage to show SVG into a TImage.
- Demo to show how it works.
- Very high performance for building hundreds of icons.
- Support from Delphi 10.2 to 10.4 Sydney (other Delphi versions coming soon)
Those components uses library SVG Martin Walter (Original version (c) 2005, 2008) with license: Use of this file is permitted for commercial and non-commercial. Use, as long as the author is credited. home page: email: [email protected] This library is included in this project into svg folder
TSVGIconImageList and TSVGIconImage are similar to TSVGImageList and TSVGImage included into project: but those versions are more efficient in performances, and adds some features like SVGText property, store icons in binary or SVGText format into dfm and more...