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File metadata and controls

76 lines (59 loc) · 3.01 KB

API Documentation

XML Handling

The challenging part of SAML is the handling of XML cryptography. Every XML it's cipher with some cryptographic algorithm. This project uses the standard XmlSec library to handle these functions. In the binding folder, you can find the low-level API translated from C to Pascal. But I recommend using the wrapper in SAML.XML.Utils unit.

Every object in this unit has an interface wrapper so you can create the objects without the need to destroy it. Furthermore when you pass a stream to an object (e.g. a key to a context) you can delegate the responsibility to destroy the stream to the object itself.

With the following code when the LSignatureContext has done its work it automatically destry the LByteStream.

LSignatureContext.LoadKey(LByteStream, TKeyDataFormat.Der, True);

Here you can find an example of how to sign a XML file; for other examples you can check the XmlSecDemo project.

Sign a document

procedure TMainForm.btnSignClick(Sender: TObject);
  // Reference to XML document
  LXMLDocument: IXMLSecDocument;
  // The main "context" that holds the keys for signing and cipher
  LSignatureContext: ISignatureContext;
  // The IXMLSecDocument reads the data from a stream and can
  // handle the life cycle of it 
  LXMLDocument := TXMLSecDocument.Create(TFileStream.Create(edtInputXMLName.Text, fmOpenRead), True);
  // Set the ID of the XML to find the XML fragment to sign
  LXMLDocument.AddIDAttr('ID', 'AuthnRequest', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol');

  // Create the SignatureContext
  LSignatureContext := TSignatureContext.Create;
  // Add a private to the context
  LSignatureContext.LoadKey(TFileStream.Create(edtPrivateKeyName.Text, fmOpenRead), TKeyDataFormat(edtPrivateKeyFormat.ItemIndex), True);
  // Sign the document

  // Retrieve the signed XML as string
  memOutput.Text := LXMLDocument.ToXML;
  // And save the signed XML to a file

SAML Message

The unit SAML.Request contains the classes to handle requests and reponses. If you need to create a new SAML request you can use the helper class TSAMLRequestBuilder that use a fluent interface:

function BuildAuthnRequest(const AIssuer: string): string;
  Result := TSAMLAuthnRequest.New
    .SetID('SAML_' + IntToStr(Random(1000000000)))

Then you can sign the request with the SAML.XML.Utils unit.

SAML Metadata

To securely interoperate SAML uses XML metadata that describes both the Service Provider and Identity Provider. Delphi SAML provides a class to read and create these files. You can use a builder with a fluent interface like the example below:

LMetadata := TSAMLMetadata.New