Unofficial FAForever client by Eternal-ll, based on C# WPF .NET 8.0 for Windows OS only.
Forum thread:
Legacy client v1.0 source code
- .NET 8.0 SDK
- Visual Studio 2022 or newer
You must create JSON configuration file called "appsettings.Production.json". Configuration must contain servers with OAuth2 secrets to work properly.
"Servers": [{
"Name": "Server name",
"Site": "",
"Lobby": {
"IsWss": true, -- selector for TCP or WSS connection
"Url": "wss://", -- WSS url
"Host": null, -- TCP host
"Port": 0 -- TCP port
"Replay": {
"Host": "",
"Port": "1000"
"Relay": {]
"Host": "",
"Port": "2000"
"IRC": {
"Host": "",
"Port": "3000"
"API": "",
"UserApi": "",
"Content": "",
"OAuth": {
"BaseAddress": "",
"ResponseSeconds": 30,
"ClientId": "", -- OAuth2 client-id
"Scope": "", -- OAuth2 scope
"RedirectPorts": [ ] -- localhost ports for OAUth2 callbacks with code
"Cloudfare": {
"HMAC": {
"Secret": "",
"Param": ""