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analyzer 📈
analyzer :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Related to the analyze commands (analysis driver)
API change 📄
API change :page_facing_up:
Content of patch changes API!
bugfix 🔨
bugfix :hammer:
CI 📦
CI :package:
clang sa 🐉
clang sa :dragon:
The Clang Static Analyzer is a source code analysis tool that finds bugs in C-family programs.
clang-tidy 🐉
clang-tidy :dragon:
clang-tidy is a clang-based C++ “linter” tool.
CLI :computer:
Related to the command-line interface, such as the cmd, store, etc. commands
config ⚙️
config :gear:
cppcheck 🐞
cppcheck 🐞
CppCheck is a static analysis tool for C++ code
database 🗄️
database :file_cabinet:
Issues related to the database schema.
dependencies 📦
dependencies :package:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update a dependency file
deprecate ⏳
deprecate :hourglass_flowing_sand:
deprecate a feature
dev env ⛑️
dev env :rescue_worker_helmet:
Development environment
discussion 💡
discussion :bulb:
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
Changes to documentation.
duplicate 👥
duplicate :busts_in_silhouette:
enhancement 🌟
enhancement :star2:
garbage collection 🗑️
garbage collection 🗑️
Issues related to the garbage collection process
gcc 🐃
gcc :water_buffalo:
GNU GCC Static Analyzer
good first issue
good first issue
help wanted
help wanted
Pull requests that update JavaScript code (used by DependaBot)
label-tool 🔖
label-tool 🔖
Related to tooling that manages the analyzer/checker label configuration
ld-logger 📃
ld-logger :page_with_curl:
new feature 👍
new feature :+1:
New feature request
other-analyzer 💬
other-analyzer :speech_balloon:
Analysers which CodeChecker offers only report conversion of, but no driving
package-Docker 🐳
package-Docker 🐳
Issues related to the officially supplied Docker images