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Python - More Data Structures: Set, Dictionary

About-Me #Thaoban Abdrasheed - (A passionate software engineer)

In this project, I learned about sets and dictionaries in Python. I practiced using them with the lambda, map, filter, and reduce methods.

Function Prototypes 💾

Prototypes for functions written in this project:

File Prototype def square_matrix_simple(matrix=[]): def search_replace(my_list, search, replace): def uniq_add(my_list=[]): def common_elements(set_1, set_2): def only_diff_elements(set_1, set_2): def number_keys(a_dictionary): def print_sorted_dictionary(a_dictionary): def update_dictionary(a_dictionary, key, value): def simple_delete(a_dictionary, key=""): def multiply_by_2(a_dictionary): def best_score(a_dictionary): def mutiply_list_map(my_list=[], number=0): def roman_to_int(roman_string): def weight_average(my_list=[]): def square_matrix_map(matrix=[]): def complex_delete(a_dictionary, value):
  • void print_python_list(PyObject *p);
  • void print_python_bytes(PyObject *p);

Tasks 📃

  • 0. Squared simple

    • Python function that computes the square value of all integers of a matrix.
    • The parameter matrix is a two-dimensional array.
    • Returns a matrix of the same size as matrix where each value is the square of the input value.
    • The initial matrix is not modified.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 1. Search and replace

    • Python function that replaces all occurences of an element by another in a new list.
    • The parameter my_list is the initial list.
    • The parameter search is the element to replace in the list.
    • The parameter replace is the new element.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 2. Unique addition

    • Python function that adds all unique integers in a list (once for each integer).
    • Without importing modules.
  • 3. Present in both

    • Python function that returns a set of common elements in two sets.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 4. Only differents

    • Python function that returns a set of all elements present in only one set.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 5. Number of keys

    • Python function that returns the number of keys in a dictionary.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 6. Print sorted dictionary

    • Python function that prints a dictionary by ordered keys.
    • The function assumes all keys are strings.
    • Keys are printed in alphabetic order.
    • Keys are only sorted on the first level.
    • Dictionary values can have any type.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 7. Update dictionary

    • Python function that replaces or adds key/value pairs in a dictionary.
    • The parameter key is always a string.
    • The parameter value is any type.
    • If a key exists in the dictionary, the value is replaced.
    • If a key does not exist in the dictionary, it is created.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 8. Simple delete by key

    • Python function that deletes a key in a dictionary.
    • The paramter key is always a string.
    • If the key does not exist, the dictionary does not change.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 9. Multiply by 2

    • Python function that returns a new dictionary with all values multiplied by 2.
    • The function assumes all values are integers.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 10. Best score

    • Python function that returns a key value with the biggest integer value.
    • The function assumes all values are integers.
    • The function assumes all students have a different score.
    • If no score is found, the functino returns None.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 11. Multiply by using map

    • Python function that returns a list with all values multiplied by a number using map.
    • Returns a new list of the same length as my_list with each value multiplied by number.
    • The initial list is not modified.
    • Without using loops or importing modules.
  • 12. Roman to Integer

    • Python function that converts a roman numeral to an integer.
    • The function assumes the number will be between 1-3999.
    • If the parameter roman_string is not a string or None, the function returns 0.
  • 13. Weighted average!

    • Python function that returns the weighted average of all integers in a list of tuples.
    • Tuple format: (<score>, <weight>).
    • If the list is empty - returns 0.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 14. Squared by using map

    • Python function that computes the square value of all integers of a matrix using map.
    • The parameter matrix is a two-dimensional array.
    • Returns a new matrix of the same size as matrix with each value squared.
    • The initial matrix is not modified.
    • Without using loops or importing modules.
  • 15. Delete by value

    • Python function that deletes keys with a specific value in a dictionary.
    • If the value does not exists, the dictionary is not changed.
    • All keys having the searched value are deleted.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 16. CPython #1: PyBytesObject

    • 103-python.c: C functions that print basic information about Python lists and Python bytes objects.