Releases: ElucidataInc/ElMaven
El-MAVEN v0.2.4
- Moved AWS login dialog to File menu (#354 )
- Export peak spline area to CSV (#496 )
- Improved EIC for MS/MS data (#487 )
- Error messages in Loess Fit alignment (#328 )
- Beta: Option to align samples to the expected Rt (#514)
- Natural sort for samples and peaks table (#466 )
- Fixed Mac build (#525 525)
- Bug fix in RT line (#553 )
- Bug fix in Report Isotopic Peaks (#453 )
- Fixes in Load/Dump settings feature
El-MAVEN v0.2.3
- Installation and build instructions in README
- Pull Injection order from mzML files (#449 )
- EIC spline exported to clipboard (#474 )
- Fixed issues in "Copy isotopic information" functionality (#469 #468 )
- Fixed crash in isotopes widget
- Disable NA correction by default (#468 )
- Fixed initialization bug in Mass cut off box (ppm/mDa)
- Use gcc5 on Travis CI
- Ionization mode is auto detected on sample upload
El-MAVEN v0.2.2
- Fixed a bug leading to wrong scan in mass spectra widget (#341 )
- Fixed the order of tab control in all dialogs (#217 )
- Added fake compound in case of formula search (#440 )
- Added support for C13 and H2 dual-labeled compounds (#451 )
- Updated --help section in CLI (#458 )
- Made grouping consistent for single and multiple samples (#334 )
- Fixed grouping for full-scan MS2 data (#170 )
- Added another mass accuracy unit, mDa (#137 )
- Fixed an initialization bug in Report Isotopic Peaks (#185 )
- Load and dump settings feature has been introduced (#425 )
El-MAVEN v0.2.1
- Allowed manual linking of SRM transitions to a fragment in LC-MS/MS data (#364)
- Fixed calculation of ppmDiff for labeled peaks in CSV export (#235)
- Fixed a bug leading to non-deterministic merged EIC (#333)
- Added warning for bookmarking the same peak for two compounds (#362)
- Fixed the case of fake peaks (#334)
- Fixed a bug in choosing the correct smoothing algorithm (#391)
- Fixed a bug in C12 parent peak detection (#386)
- Targeted peak picking is available for MS/MS fragments (#406)
- Deleted groups are not exported to JSON (#394)
- CSV export from mzroll has been fixed (#389)
- El-MAVEN installer works for Windows 7 and 10 (#397)
- Added feature testing to compare two versions of El-MAVEN (#339)
- Fixed EIC data for parent and isotope in JSON export (#400)
- Fixed crash on bookmarking peaks from ms1-ms2 text search (#437)
- Fixed non-deterministic EIC pull (#388)
- Proper directory structure implemented (#319)
El-MAVEN v0.2.0
- Added MRM search feature. Search by hyphen-separated precursor and product m/z in the main window search box (#170)
- (Beta Feature) Added a new alignment algorithm- 'Loess Fit'. Option to choose preferred algorithm (#39)
- Debug version has code coverage support for Linux environment (#326)
- has updated installation instructions for Windows, Ubuntu and Mac OS (#194)
- Alignment Polynomial Fit visualization works for loess fit (#312)
- Large files(exe/mzXML) are now stored using Git-lfs (#350)
- CSV reports can be exported from the CLI version.
- CSV export code has been refactored for code re-usability.
El-MAVEN v0.1.5
- has been updated to include code documentation guidelines (#318)
- El-Maven is now supported on Mac OS (#16)
- has been updated to include contribution guidelines for users and developers (#323)
- "EIC Processing and Filtering" tab has been renamed to "Group Filtering" in Peaks dialog (#217)
- Fixed a bug in Slicing that set minimum retention time for every EIC to zero (#314)
- Data-dependent MS2 visualization is now supported (#287)
- Sample files have been added to run unit tests during compilation (#314)
- Peaks can be filtered by 'Minimum Signal Baseline Difference' in CLI version (#314)
- PPM range can be adjusted in CLI version (#356)
- Barplot and box plot have been restored (#316)
- has been updated to include commit guidelines for developers (#324)
- JSON file format has been fixed
- Refactored JSON export for code re-usability (#347)
- TravisCI has been integrated for continuous testing (#325)
- Failure reports for unit tests are displayed in the terminal after compilation (#320)
- Added License information (#322)
- Option to choose filterline
El-MAVEN v0.1.4
- Use intensity-weighted average for a group to sum EIC over a mass range (#290)
- Keep focus line at expectedRt on bookmarking a peak (#288)
- Fix EIC window display in absence of detected peaks (#285)
- Add "min signal baseline difference" parameter for isotopic peak filtering (#286)
- Add X and Y axis to Scatterplot widget (#297)
- Add formula column in CSV and JSON exports (#229)
- Add injection order information for samples from meta file (#275)
- Add Y axis zoom in/out in EIC display window (#292)
- Keep track of samples used for peak detection (#261)
El-MAVEN v0.1.3
- Provide control over grouping parameters (#151)
- Add minimum signal baseline difference for peak filtering (#153)
- Add separate baseline for every sample (#153)
- Add AreaTopCorrected as new quantitation type (#153)
- Add quantile value for Signal/Blank and Signal/Baseline ratio (#267)
- Move Baseline calculation and smoothing parameters to Options dialog (#217)
- Move Group Rank control to Options dialog (#217)
- Replace input boxes with sliders for quantile filters (#217)
- Change default value for M+n isotope in Options dialog (#276)
- Fix EIC plot of isotopes from mzroll file (#255)
- Annotation of SRMs include retention time information (#260)
- Reduce number of duplicate mass slices during automated feature detection (#152)
El-Maven v0.1.2
EIC extraction when there are multiple peaks in the mass window(#187)
Ftr User can use max or sum (in beta) options in EIC extraction
Ftr Use group rank formula in EIC window (#103)
Highlight peaks based on group rank rather than highest intensity
Ftr m/z information in compound widget (#51)
charge used for pulling EIC is used for calculation of m/z in compound widget
Fix ElMaven can handle multiple charged species (#17)
Read charge from compound database
Ftr Update set information for samples (#228)
User can update the sample information by loading external csv
User can sort the samples by set information
Fix peak table population from mzroll (#249)
Mass slicing algorithm documentation for Untargeted LC-MS data analysis
El-MAVEN v0.1.1
Fix expanding toolbars in application (#41)
Fix save project function (#149)
Fix peak table minimize/restore function (#155)
Fix focus issue in EIC (#169)
Fix export issue (#196)
Fix widget dock issue (#203) (#154)
Fix y-axis scaling (#205)
Update CLI in ElMaven (#230)
- Make a default XML file
- Load an XML file into peakdetectorCLI
- Writing CSV Report
- Fix Load Database File
- Remove unused variables
- Add Limit Scan Parameters
- Add Peak-quantitation type
- Add Quantile Quality Parameter
- Add Quantile Intensity Parameters
- Add Ionization Charge Parameter
- Add option to Save EIC JSON
- Improve console output statements
- Make a header file for PeakDetectorCLI.h
- Refactor processOptions (Parsing Arguments)
- Fix Isotopic Peak Detection
- Input Arguments in CLI using Configuration file
- Introduce classes into PeakDetectorCLI
Fix isotope window (#239)