- First commit!
- Added optimization algorithm.
- Added hierarchical Bayesian estimation.
- Added proper Readme.
- Numberous bug fixing and implementation of helpers.
- Fixed a bug into evaluate_beta_params(). cut.plot.at argument was not implemented.
- Added ... to get_beta_params() to pass arguments to evaluate_beta_params()
- Fixed a bug into evaluate_beta_params() that was preventing the visualization or vertical lines on the distribution boundaries
- Fixed a bug into simulate_pool_test(), the estimation method was not really passed to get_estimates() and the previous method labeling was used.
- In extreme cases (e.g. prevalence = 50%) design_optimization() may give -Inf scores which crash the decision tree algorithm. Set those values to 10 times the minum value. Triggered also a warning.
- If no optimization windows are found by design_optimization() a meaningfull error is raised.