A runtime at your service. Chime is a hybrid Virtual Machine that first compiles a chime program into a sequece of words (32 bits each) and later on interprets it.
It is Turing Complete. As for nice to haves, you have compile-time literals (integers), string support and syscalls (write and read from stdout).
- [X] Stack manipulations
- [X] Flow control
- [X] Arithmetic and Logic
- [X] Address Management
- [X] Neutral instructions
- [X] Function calls
- [X] Strings
- [X] Syscalls
- [X] Rule 110
- [ ] Translator between dialects
- [ ] Closures
- [ ] ROM
- [ ] x86 Compilation (ROM is required)
> just build
> ./result/bin/chime -p program.chf -d dialect
- EduardoLR10
- z-silver
- MMagueta