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119 lines (65 loc) · 4.92 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (65 loc) · 4.92 KB


[1.2.6] - 6th April, 2024

  • Empty checks to prevent breaking when receiving empty collections from openrouteservice. Fixes Issue #21.
  • Unit Tests for empty GeoJSON Feature serialisation/deserialisation added.

[1.2.5] - 29th March, 2024

  • Fixed broken compatibility with geodart GeoJSON serialisation/deserialisation as reported in Issue #19.
  • Using geojson package as a dev dependency, for unit testing compatibility with GeoJSON.

[1.2.4] - 6th Feb, 2024

  • MINOR BREAKING: Removed getter and setter for profile in OpenRouteService class. It is now final and can only be set via the constructor defaultProfile parameter. This system is more concurrency-safe. If it needs to be overridden at the API call level, that can anyway be done by passing in profileOverride to the respective API method.

  • Made API more flexible by allowing constructor-based overrides in OpenRouteService class of:

    • baseUrl, the default API Base URL
    • client, the HTTP Client being used to make the requests
    • defaultProfile, the default openrouteservice route profile being used to make the requests.
  • Ternary operator null check replaced with null-aware operator in Vroom and Optimization data models.

  • Getting ORSProfile from String name and vice versa is now done using a map internally, making it more readable and maintainable.

[1.2.3] - 24th June, 2023

  • Upgraded dependencies to keep up with the latest versions of the packages.

[1.2.2] - 15th September, 2022

  • Matrix Data Models Null Safety Fixes as per [#12].

[1.2.1] - 10th February, 2022

  • Better Response Status-Code verification logic as for posts it won't always be 200.

  • BREAKING: Separated and refined openrouteservice path-profile String and ORSProfile interconversion logic. OpenRouteService.getProfileString(ORSProfile profile) ->

  • Minor: Dev Dependencies updated. Pubspec improved.

[1.1.1] - 06th February, 2022

  • Optimize imports as per static analysis.

[1.1.0] - 14th November, 2021

  • BREAKING: Renamed OpenRouteService methods with even stricter naming convention: {API endpoint name} + {functionality name} + Post / Get (Based on type of Request)

  • BREAKING: Coordinate Model renamed to ORSCoordinate to avoid ambiguity with other location based packages.

  • ORSCoordinate.fromJSON() fixes for errors with altitude: potential null error and wrong key fixed.

[1.0.1] - 31st October, 2021

  • Restriction applied to request parameter of ORSPois.poisDataPostGet with ArgumentError if restriction not followed, as per API convention. request can now only be 'pois', 'stats' or 'list' as per openrouteservice API.

  • Linted Code. :)

[1.0.0] - 30th October, 2021

  • First Stable Release (unless there is some breaking bug that slipped by).

  • Addition of GeoCoding API.

  • Metadata models.

  • BREAKING: GeoJsonFeatureProperties Data Model removed and replaced with unparsed Map<String, dynamic> as it doesn't have any static structure across various endpoints.

  • BREAKING: Every method in the package has been renamed for consistency and to easily find needed methods. New method naming convention:

    {API endpoint name} + {functionality name} + (if functionality uses a POST endpoint) Post + Get

    Eg. getRouteCoordinates -> directionsRouteCoordsGet, getElevationDataPost -> elevationDataPostGet and so on.

[0.7.0] - 27th September, 2021

  • BREAKING: Matrix* -> TimeDistanceMatrix*

  • Adjust cgiar attribution link from http to https

  • Coordinate model toList and fromList methods added for convenience (with null safety).

  • Documentation updates.

  • Encapsulated Optimization API.

[0.6.0] - 26th September, 2021

  • BREAKING: Naming conventions changed: OpenRouteService* -> ORS*.

  • Encapsulated Matrix API.

  • Encapsulated POIs API.

[0.5.2] - 26th September, 2021

  • Reworked the entire Directions API system to enable usage of both the normal POST endpoint as getMultiRouteDirectionsData and the geojson POST endpoint getMultiRouteDirectionsGeoJson.

  • Common GeoJsonFeatureCollection Data Model created to be used with both the Directions API and the Isochrones API, whenever geojson is involved.

[0.5.1] - 26th September, 2021

  • Dart SDK version change to pass static analysis on

  • Ran dart format on all Dart files to be in compliance with Dart's style guide.

[0.5.0] - 26th September, 2021