Currently supported altcoins are:
- Argoneum
- BCash
- BGold
- BitCore
- Dash
- Dogecoin
- Verge
- Dystem
- Feathercoin
- Groestlcoin
- LBRYCredits
- Liquid
- Litecoin
- Monacoin
- MonetaryUnit
- Polis
- Terracoin
- Viacoin
- Zclassic
- Koto
- Bitcoinplus
- Chaincoin
- ZCoin
- DogeCash
- Qtum
- Althash
- Neblio
This package expose altcoin's Network
For example if you want to use Litecoin testnet:
Network network = NBitcoin.Altcoins.Litecoin.Instance.Testnet;
You can then use this fork generating a Litecoin address for example:
Console.WriteLine(new Key().PubKey.GetAddress(network));
Follow Litecoin example and make a pull request.
NBitcoin developers do not test those PRs, so you are responsible to keep it working.
If you want to test your newly created Network
, update WellknownNodeDownloadData so the test environment can download binaries and run for your blockchain on regtest.
Then, change NodeBuilderEx like the following example.
public static NodeBuilder Create([CallerMemberName] string caller = null)
return NodeBuilder.Create(NodeDownloadData.Litecoin.v0_15_1, Altcoins.AltNetworkSets.Litecoin.Regtest, caller);
You can then run the tests for your altcoin in command line from the NBitcoin.Tests project:
Note that the first time can take a while because the test environment download the node binaries.
dotnet test NBitcoin.Tests.csproj --filter "Altcoins=Altcoins" -p:ParallelizeTestCollections=false --framework netcoreapp2.1
You can also manually execute any test with Visual Studio.
Note that the tests with the trait Altcoins=Altcoins
are only doing some sanity check. You might want to run additional tests.
You can take a look at this commit as an example.