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333c311 · Feb 25, 2025




bt: Build Terraform

A no commitments Terraform/Tofu wrapper that provides build caching functionality. It also makes working with workspaces a breeze.


  • Run terraform init, terraform providers lock, terraform plan, conftest and terraform apply with a single command and with caching.

  • Automatically inject init backend tfvars and plan tfvars based on config values.

  • Automatically load tfvar files based on workspace name.

  • Allow you to have multiple profiles in the config file so that you can have a different configs for multiple workspaces. For example, one profile for dev and another for prod, or one profile for North America and another for China.

    Each profile uses a separate TF_DATA_DIR. This allows to work with multiple profiles pointing to different backends under the same directory without conflicts.

  • Runs pre-apply checks for you. If you define for example, conftest checks, it will run them for you before trying to apply.

  • Track the archs you want to use when running terraform provider lock.

  • Allow you to work on different workspaces in different terminals. It automatically uses the TF_WORKSPACE environment variable rather than selecting the workspace.

  • Allows you to define stacks of components and their dependencies and orchestrate their deployment (and destruction in the reverse order).

  • Allows to define retries for stack components that fail due to race conditions.

  • TODO: Allow option to skip component in destroy if the state shows no resources. use terraform state list and count the output lines.

  • TODO: Collect component exit codes and have a return code based on whether there were any changes in the stack or not.

  • TODO: Add post apply tasks with the ability to run a different task for success or error. For example, to check for the last change in the failing component and notify the owner, or to run a post apply test.

  • TODO: Ensure logs for parallel component runs are printed in serial. This one might be nice to combine with a progress indicator in the dag library.

  • TODO: Figure out how to invalidate plan cache after apply when running in target mode.

  • TODO: Recursive inspection of modified local sources of a local module within a local module.

  • TODO: Run terraform providers lock after init. Add init --lock option.

  • TODO: Add option to skip component in stack if ws doesn’t exist.

  • TODO: Add progress indicator x out of y > this can be written to the argo workflow progress file:

  • TODO: Automatically handle when Terraform is unable to write the state to the backend.

    │ Error: Failed to persist state to backend
    │ The error shown above has prevented Terraform from writing the updated
    │ state to the configured backend. To allow for recovery, the state has been
    │ written to the file "errored.tfstate" in the current working directory.
    │ Running "terraform apply" again at this point will create a forked state,
    │ making it harder to recover.
    │ To retry writing this state, use the following command:
    │     terraform state push errored.tfstate


  • Install using homebrew:

    brew tap DavidGamba/dgtools
    brew install DavidGamba/dgtools/bt

    Completion is auto setup for bash.

    For zsh completions, an additional step is required, add the following to your .zshrc:

    export ZSHELL="true"
    source "$(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/"

    Upgrade with:

    brew update
    brew upgrade bt
  • Install using go:

    Install the binary into your ~/go/bin:

    go install

    Then setup the completion.

    For bash:

    complete -o default -C bt bt

    For zsh:

    export ZSHELL="true"
    autoload -U +X compinit && compinit
    autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit
    complete -o default -C bt bt

Config file

The config file must be saved in a file named .bt.cue. It will be searched from the current dir upwards.


Config file .bt.cue
package bt

config: {
	default_terraform_profile: "default"
	terraform_profile_env_var: "BT_TERRAFORM_PROFILE"
terraform_profile: {
	default: {
		binary_name: "terraform"
		init: {
			backend_config: ["backend.tfvars"]
		plan: {
			var_file: ["~/auth.tfvars"]
		workspaces: {
			enabled: true
			dir: "envs"
		pre_apply_checks: {
			enabled: true
			commands: [
				{name: "conftest", command: ["conftest", "test", "$TERRAFORM_JSON_PLAN"]},
		platforms: ["darwin_amd64", "darwin_arm64", "linux_amd64", "linux_arm64"]

See the schema for extra details.

Usage Basics

  1. (optional) Run bt terraform init to initialize your config.

  2. Run bt terraform build to generate a plan. If init wasn’t run, it will run init once and cache the run so further calls won’t run init again.

  3. Run bt terraform build --lock to ensure that terraform providers lock has run after init with the list of archs provided in the config file.

  4. Run bt terraform build --ic to generate a plan again even when it detects there are no file changes.

  5. Run bt terraform build --show to view the generated plan.

  6. Run bt terraform build --apply to apply the generated plan.

Caching Internals

After running bt terraform init it will save a .tf.init file.

After running bt terraform build it will save a .tf.plan or .tf.plan-<workspace> file. It will check the time stamp of the .tf.init file and if it is newer than the .tf.plan file, a new plan needs to be generated. It will also compare the .tf.plan file against any file changes in the current dir or any of the module dirs to determine if a new plan needs to be generated.

If pre_apply_checks are enabled, it will run the checks specified by passing the rendered json plan to the command. For example, conftest policy checks.

After running terraform apply it will save a .tf.apply or .tf.apply-<workspace> file. It will use that file and compare it to the .tf.plan time stamp to determine if the apply has already been made.

Backend Config / Var File helpers

Given the config setting for backend_config for init and var_file for plan, it will automatically include those files to the command.

For example, running bt terraform init with the example config file will be the same as running:

terraform init -backend-config backend.tfvars

In the same way, running bt terraform build with the example config file will be the same as running:

terraform plan -out .tf.plan -var-file ~/auth.tfvars

Finally, running bt terraform build --apply with the example config file will be the same as running:

terraform apply -input .tf.plan

Workspaces helpers

Setting workspaces to enabled: true in the config file will enable the workspace helpers. What the helpers do is to assume any .tfvars or .tfvars.json file in the dir folder is a workspace.

If a workspace has been selected, bt will automatically include the <dir>/<workspace>.tfvars or <dir>/<workspace>.tfvars.json file to the command.

If a workspace hasn’t been selected, passing the --ws option will select the workspace by exporting the TF_WORKSPACE environment variable and will add the corresponging <dir>/<workspace>.tfvars or <dir>/<workspace>.tfvars.json file to the command.

For example, running bt terraform build --ws=dev with the example config file will be the same as running:

export TF_WORKSPACE=dev
terraform plan -out .tf.plan -var-file ~/auth.tfvars -var-file envs/dev.tfvars

And then running bt terraform build --ws=dev --apply:

export TF_WORKSPACE=dev
terraform apply -input .tf.plan
Because bt uses the TF_WORKSPACE environment variable rather than selecting the workspace, it is possible to work with multiple workspaces at the same time on different terminals.

When using bt terraform workspace-select default bt will automatically delete the .terraform/environment file to ensure we can use the TF_WORKSPACE environment variable safely.

Pre Apply Checks

When using bt terraform build, pre apply checks get run automatically after a plan if they are enabled.

Pre apply check commands get the following Env vars exported:

  • CONFIG_ROOT: The dir of the config file.

  • TERRAFORM_JSON_PLAN: The path to the rendered json plan.

  • TERRAFORM_TXT_PLAN: The path to the rendered txt plan.

  • TF_WORKSPACE: The current workspace or "default".

  • BT_COMPONENT: The current component name if running in stack mode or the basename of the current directory.

If pre-apply checks are enabled in the config file, they can be disabled for the current run using the --no-checks option.

To run only the checks, use bt terraform checks, combine it with the --ws option to run the checks against the last generated plan for the given workspace.


Multiple terraform config profiles can be defined. By default, the default profile is used. The default profile can be overridden with config.default_terraform_profile in the config file.

To use a different profile, use the --profile option or export the BT_TERRAFORM_PROFILE environment variable. The environment variable name itself can also be overridden to read an existing one in the environment. For example, set config.terraform_profile_env_var to AWS_PROFILE and name your terraform profiles the same way you name your AWS profiles.

Each additional profile will have its own TF_DATA_DIR and the terraform data will be saved under .terraform-<profile>/. The config.default_terraform_profile will still use the default .terraform/ dir. This allows to work with multiple profiles pointing to different backends under the same workspace directory without conflicts.

Providers lock using Platforms list

Use bt terraform providers lock to generate a lock file using all the os archs in the platforms list for a given profile.

Stacks: A different take

Hashicorp recently introduced their solution for deploying stacks of resources.

A stack is a collection of components that need to be deployed together to form a logical unit.

Instead of having a massive state file that contains all resources, you can split them into multiple smaller components. This split provides numerous benefits that I won’t get into here, however, these components require an orchestration layer to deploy them together and in the correct order.

bt provides a separate config file for defining stacks: bt-stacks.cue


  • The stack is composed of multiple different components.

  • Each component can be deployed to a different workspace but in general, they should have a consistent naming convention so that the workspace name can be auto-resolved from the stack name.

  • A stack can have multiple instances of the same component, that is, multiple workspaces of one component.

  • The stack definition allows for conditionally added components. Some regions or environments might not require certain components.

  • The stack config file defines 2 different constructs. One is the component definition where the component and its dependencies are defined. The other is the stack definition, where the workspaces that compose a given stack and its variables are defined.

  • Because component dependencies are tracked, stack builds run in parallel when possible.

  • Components can have variables defined in the stack config file, since these variables are passed after the workspace var files they have higher precedence and allow for stack specific overrides.

  • Components can define retries when they fail due to race conditions.

Stack config file

package bt_stacks

// Define the list of components
component: "networking": {}
component: "kubernetes": {
	depends_on: ["networking"]
component: "node_groups": {
	depends_on: ["kubernetes"]
component: "addons": {
	depends_on: ["kubernetes"]
component: "dns": {
	depends_on: ["kubernetes"]
	retries: 3
component: "dev-rbac": {
	path: "dev-rbac/terraform"
	depends_on: ["kubernetes", "addons"]

// Create component groupings with additional variable definitions
_standard_cluster: {
	"networking": component["networking"] & {
		variables: [
			{name: "subnet_size", value: "/28"},
	"kubernetes": component["kubernetes"]
	"node_groups": component["node_groups"]
	"addons": component["addons"]
	"dns": component["dns"] & {
		variables: [
			{name: "api_endpoint", value: ""},

// Create a stack with a list of components
stack: "dev-us-west-2": {
	id: string
	components: [
		for k, v in _standard_cluster {
			[// switch
				if k == "networking" {
					v & {
						workspaces: [
				if k == "node_groups" {
					v & {
						workspaces: [
				v & {
					workspaces: [id]
		// Custom component that only applies to this stack
		component["dev-rbac"] & {
			workspaces: [id]

stack: "prod-us-west-2": {
	id: string
	components: [
		for k, v in _standard_cluster {
			[// switch
				if k == "networking" {
					v & {
						workspaces: [
				if k == "node_groups" {
					v & {
						workspaces: [
				v & {
					workspaces: [id]

See the stack schema for extra details.



Quickly inspect the config file:

bt stack config


bt stack graph --id=dev-us-west-2 -T png
stack dev us west 2
bt stack graph --id=prod-us-west-2 -T png
stack prod us west 2


Run all plans in parallel:

bt stack build --id=dev-us-west-2

Run all plans in serial:

bt stack build --id=dev-us-west-2 --serial

Review/Show the plan output for all components:

bt stack build --id=dev-us-west-2 --show --serial

Apply the changes:

bt stack build --id=dev-us-west-2 --apply

Destroy (pass both --destroy and --reverse to destroy in reverse order):

bt stack build --id=dev-us-west-2 --reverse --destroy

Apply the destroy:

bt stack build --id=dev-us-west-2 --reverse --destroy --apply