This is a reinterpretion of the classic retro Asteroids in 3D. The game runs in a browser using WebGL and has been developed with three.js.
Just open the index.html with any live server extension of your choice. All necessary files and libraries are already included in this project.
Destroy all Asteroids before the timer runs out. Beware that shooting large asteroids splits them in smaller fragments which are faster and more difficult to hit!
W = hold to accelerate
S = hold to decelerate
Move Mouse = turn the ship
Spacebar = shoot forwards
This work is based on "FREE - SkyBox Space Nebula" ( by Paul ( licensed under CC-BY-4.0 (
This work is based on "Space Fighter" ( by pirate8888 ( licensed under CC-BY-4.0 (
This work is based on "Asteroids Pack (rocky version)" ( by SebastianSosnowski ( licensed under CC-BY-4.0 (
This work is based on "Missile" ( by martyn169 ( licensed under CC-BY-4.0 (
"A ray of Hope" as the stage music by doranarasi from the Shmup BGM Pack Vol 1:
"Connectivity establishment" as the end menu music by doranarasi from the Shmup BGM Pack Vol 1:
Button Click sound effect are from Atelier Magicae's Pixel UI Sound Effects:
All other Sound effects are from Rubert Spore's classic arcade sound effects: