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407 lines (289 loc) · 16.4 KB

File metadata and controls

407 lines (289 loc) · 16.4 KB

Pretty Diff change log



  • Fixes #470, incorrect insertion of curly braces in complex nested operations



  • Fixes a regression issue in JSX regarding the newline option
  • Fixes a parse mode formatting defect in the webtool
  • Fixes a defect in loading the web tool
  • Fixes several minor defects when attempting to merge Pretty Diff 2.x into Atom Beautify
  • Fixes #463, incorrectly removing unit on 0 values in CSS transitions


  • Adding support for the 'u' regex flag
  • Pretty Diff 2 is on NPM with the package name prettydiff2. This is the minimum code to run Pretty Diff from Node.js.



  • Fixes poorly implemented newline option
  • Fixes #451, a word token between a period and an asterisk was skipped


  • The JSLint dependency is now directly contained in the application and managed remotely via biddle.
  • Fixes 433, all clocks were changed from (milisecond time) to (5 microsecond time in the browser) or process.hrtime() (nanosecond time in Node)
  • Fixes 438, added new option preserveComment to preserve comments from formatting due to option wrap. Wrapping of standard XML comments is now default in markup.
  • Fixes 452, added the capabiliteis and formatting of option diffcli to the web tool



  • Fixes numerous undocumented defects in the validation build and diff tool
  • Fixes #434, CSS beautfication defect with a space appearing before a selector list
  • Fixes #435, Circular dependency problem when using require.js
  • Fixes #441, Fold error in rendered HTML reports
  • Fixes #442, Ternaries inside parenthesis now cause an extra step of indentation
  • Fixes #444, CLI with readmethod:file and mode:diff producing no output
  • Fixes #445, ASP, PHP error where tags containing the "do" command were treated like a start tag
  • Fixes #447, Diff library ignoring carriage return characters. White space differences are now more explicitly called out.


  • Fixes #409, Pretty Diff is fully integrated with biddle for its own dependency and in publication with biddle for distribution elsewhere.



  • Fixes #420, markup attributes should not be sorted if sorting is disabled in the options
  • Fixes #429, fixes regression against diffcli option


  • Fixes #414, better preserve whitespace adjacent to span tags in HTML
  • Fixes #418, performance improvement for lib/markuppretty.js in V8 by ensuring level array contains only number types
  • Fixes #422, create a new option to explicitly supply or eliminate a new line at the end of output
  • Fixes #426, remove duplicate logic from lib/diffview.js
  • Fixes #427, two performance improvements for new diff algorithm
  • Fixes #428, performance improvement in all code for V8 by converting arithmetic assignment operators to assignments followed by separate explicit arithmetic
  • Fixes #430, created a minimal barebones HTML code sample demonstrating running Pretty Diff in a generic HTML tool



  • Fixes #410, missing diamond (empty generic type) in Java


  • Fixes #268, a new diff algorithm... super high precision and possibly the world's fastest diff algorithm
  • Fixes #269, a change of license is universally applied to the project. New license is CC0.
  • Fixes #417, adding support for "module" script type to markuppretty library.



  • Fixes #392, problems with vertical alignment
  • Fixes #396, biddle application is now working properly
  • Fixes #398, JSX disruption due to comments
  • Fixes #399, SCSS @else properly recognized as an else template tag
  • Fixes #401, a minor TypeScript flaw with missing indentation
  • Fixes #402, defect with code getting dropped if a template tag wraps as markup
  • Fixes #403, {{end -}} was not properly recognized as an end tag
  • Fixes #407, some extra hardiness for Rust language conventions


  • Fixes #393, JSON code is no longer polluted with JavaScript specific parsing enhancements
  • Fixes #405, stronger wrapping when strings and non-strings are mixed


Defect resolutions

  • Fixes #374, multiple improvements to include better vertical alignment, better ternary indentation, better method-chain indentation, and several minor defect resolutions
  • Fixes #379, CSS quote convert defect
  • Fixes #380, defect with CSS option "noleadzero"
  • Fixes #383, minor ASI defect
  • Fixes #384, {{block}} treated as a start tag in Twig templates
  • Fixes #385, numbers of form 3e5+2 improperly broken on "+"
  • Fixes #388, improper line breaking on complex argument lists
  • Fixes #394, JSX broken on JS comments inside a markup tag that is a child of JavaScript embedded in a higher markup tag




  • Fixing a minor incompatibility with JSLint


Defect resolutions

  • Fixes #370, JavaScript string wrapping defect
  • Fixes #372, edge case failure of JavaScript ASI
  • Fixes #373, fixes two Twig issues
  • Fixes a minor JavaScript indentation problem of method arguments following a long wrapped string


Defect resolutions

  • Fixes #363, resolves several defects with option bracepadding
  • Fixes #365, catastrophic parsing flaw for Liquid HTML templates


  • Fixes #366, adding support for GoHTML template language


Defect resolutions

  • Fixes #360, incorrect markup parsing for multiple tag structures in a single JSX return
  • Reverting code validation back to 2.1.8 version for stability


  • Fixes #362, providing support for Flow.js
  • Better TSX support


  • Better comment beautification
  • Language identification for some forms of C/C++ (not supported)


Defect resolutions

  • Fixed #356 - C# code sample defect: binary literal notation, inline comments between ) and { of blocks
  • Fixed #352 - a TypeScript defect that left code with too much indentation.


  • Fixed #354 - ERB tag indentation
  • Fixed #353 - Upgrading markup attribute parsing to parse values apart from attribute names.
  • Modified code in support of a JSLint enhancement.


Defect resolutions

  • Fixed #349 - Added curly braces as markup attribute delimiters in support of RiotJS


Defect resolutions

  • Fixed a defect in the HTML instructional guides


Defect resolutions

  • Fixed #346 - Fixed CSS defect where selector :first-child becomes selector:first-child


  • #202, #344 - Adding support for TypeScript, TSX, Java, and C# languages with unit tests


  • bug fixes


Defect resolutions

  • Fixed #338 - Fixed defective support of SCSS maps
  • Fixed #340 - Fixed a collision with Twig and Liquid syntaxes


  • #334 - Centralized and isolated options management


Defect resolutions

  • Fixed #330 - Corrupted markup parsing when encountering style properties parsed as JavaScript regex
  • Fixed #331 - Empty lines scrubbed from CSS prior to @media declarations
  • Fixed #332 - Broken code on an edge case with diff option diffspaceignore
  • Fixed #333 - summaryonly diff option was broken


  • #334 - Advanced markup attribute parsing so that attributes can contain child tags with quoted attributes identical to the quotes encapsulating this child tag without collision and without regression

New Options

  • endcomma - Prior existing option endcomma converted from boolean to string to add value multiline so that terminal commas are only added to arrays and objects spanning multiple lines. issue #335
  • brace_style - Adds a new option similar to JSBeautify's brace_style option. issue #326


Defect resolutions

  • Fixed #289 - Minor enhancement to the fuzzy string comparison of the diff library.
  • Fixed #321 - Several edge case markup parsing defects
  • Fixed #324 - JSX parsing defect related to XML tags inside JS arrays

New Options

  • apacheVelocity - Supplies support Apache Velocity with a variety of delimiters. issue #280
  • qml - Adds support for QML language using the JavaScript parser. issue #278


Defect resolutions

  • Fixed #262 - Adds substantially greater depth to the parsers' direct output.
  • Fixed #317 - The JavaScript keyword export was not properly supported resulting in a semicolon being injected into the object body.
  • Fixed #318 - An enhancement to autocorrect for markup tags that contain an extra brace at the front or back. This minor enhancement also exposed a defect in support of << and <<< delimited tags.

New Options

  • functionname - Supplies a space after a function's name. issue #312
  • jekyll - Adds support for YAML Jekyll HTML template comments delimited by ---. issue #311


  • attributetoken. Whether attributes should be parsed as a data property of the element or a separate token in the parse table.
  • Markup code now outputs two additional data facets on the parse table: begin and daddy. Daddy stores the tag name of a token's parent element. Begin stores the index of that parent element.


Defect resolutions

  • Fixed a defect in the markup parser regarding properly parsing JavaScript and CSS comments
  • Fixed a JSScope defect when functions are incomplete
  • Fixed issue #290

New Options

  • formatArray - Determines whether JavaScript array indexes should always indented, remain on a single line, or left to the default formatting. issue #276
  • formatObject - Determines whether JavaScript object properties should always indented, remain on a single line, or left to the default formatting. issue #277


Breaking changes

  • Updated mode "parse" to output an object with two keys: definition and data. The definition property stores a text description of each data type supplied in the data property. The data property stores the parsed data.
  • Added mode "analysis" to generate reports of code evaluation. The program now outputs only the desired data instead of an array of desired data plus a report.
  • Due to the other changes the Node.js only option report is removed.
  • There is no longer a property to store extra information. This is replaced with global.meta which stores parse errors, execution duration, number of differences, input size, output size, and can be extended to store additional metadata into the future.
  • Pretty Diff will no longer publish to NPM. - prettydiff#291

New Options

  • nodeasync. Asynchronous bulk operations like reading from a directory produces cross-talk when assigning meta data to a global object. The desired goal of version 2 is to have the prettydiff function return a single string and meta data to a global object. In this case, for reliability, the prettydiff function will return an array of [data, meta] where data is the desired string output and meta is the metadata object similar to Pretty Diff version 1.
  • nodeerror. Sometimes it is desirable and informative to log parse errors to the console. Such a feature can become excessive noise and break unit tests though.
  • parseRecord. If false the output of mode "parse" is a collection of parallel data types. If the option is true the output is a sequential array where each index is a child array of data respective to a given parsed token.
  • parseSpace. Determines whether white space content tokens should exist in the parse tree output of the parse mode.

Minor fixes:

  • Enabling accessibility analysis and reporting in the new "analysis" mode.
  • Fixed some missing semicolon insertion during JavaScript parsing.
  • Fixed a curly brace insertion bug in JavaScript do/while loops.
  • Fixes a javascript defect in generated diff report HTML files.
  • Fixes a defect in "varword: list" where comments precede the reference.
  • Option varword now accounts for var, let, and const
  • Expands JavaScript conversion of operators ++ and -- under the correct option.
  • Fixes #294
  • Fixes #293
  • Modified markup </li> insertion logic
  • Updated test runner file system simulation to work correctly on Windows.


  • Stronger CSS edge case parsing support
  • Including NPM package 5028 as a devDependency


  • Adding support for Volt templates
  • Fixed a URI resolution defect in the web tool.


  • Fixed #287
  • Added new option nochainindent
  • Adding support for Elm templates
  • Fixing a minor bug in the web tool between changing languages and use the Ace editor


  • Adding support for Liquid templates
  • Adding extend general templating support to CSS and JS
  • Provided contribution guidance to the documentation
  • Fixed Glavin001/atom-beautify#848 (comment)
  • Fixed a collision between Ace editor, Pretty Diff library support, and require.js



  • Fixed a minor markup defect regarding improperly inserting </li> tags if code samples start with <ul> or <ol>
  • Minor improvements to the documentation
  • A minor adjustment to the resolution for #281.


  • Fixed #281


  • Changed option preserve to a numeric type. This change allows preservation of a series of empty lines up to the indicated maximum.
  • Fixed a markup defect related to files terminating in a closing script or style tag.
  • Removed a rare instability in command line operations.


  • Fixed #274
  • Adjusted safeSort library to fix a compatibility problem with recursive function references in V8 and legacy versions of Node



  • Fixed #273


  • Fixed #272


  • Improved folding in the HTML diff reports
  • Improved column sliding interaction on the HTML diff reports (sidebyside view)
  • Fixed #271
  • Fixed #218 (providing additional requirements to an incomplete implementation)




  • Fixed #218 - support for TWIG template language
  • Fixed #265
  • Fixed #266
  • Fixed #267
  • Fixed comment bug in lib/jspretty.js
  • Smarter ASI (automatic semicolon insertion in JavaScript)



  • Fixed #257
  • Fixed #258
  • Fixed a couple minor defects
  • Rewrote CSS code from scratch
  • Rewrote HTML document generation from scratch


  • Fixed #252
  • Fixes a minor CSS empty line issue.
  • PHP tags and ASP tags embedded in JavaScript string literals are now supported.


  • Fixed #251
  • Fixes numerous issues with JavaScript comment beautification


  • Added error messaging to markuppretty.js library for some cases where it receives code that is not markup
  • Added ES6 blocks as a unique structure form to jspretty.js library
    • This only applies to blocks immediately following semicolons
  • Adjusting file counting in node-local.js to increase unit test predictability against directories


  • New documentation
  • More predictable unit tests, specifically the simulation and node interaction
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Fixing a major regression issues from v1.16.7 for CLI operation and unit testing on Windows only


  • Updates to the api/node-local.js
  • Simulations for api/node-local.js added to the unit tests
  • Unit test phases are now plug and play and their order is now customizable
  • Minor update to lib/jspretty.js
  • Better word identification in diffs