Documentation resources for CoinGecko's 'simple' API functions.
namespace gecko {
// Purpose: class interface to all CoinGecko 'simple' functions found below
// Refer:
// Status: functional - slightly tested
class simpleFunctions : private web {
Below you can find documentation for 'simple' functions.
// Action: fetches price of supplied crypto(s) with supplied ID(s) in the supplied vs_currency or currencies
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getPrice("bitcoin", "usd,rub")
// getPrice("bitcoin,ripple", "usd,rub", true, false, true, false)
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response getPrice(
REQUIRED std::string id,
REQUIRED std::string vs_currencies,
OPTIONAL bool includeMarketCap = false,
OPTIONAL bool include24HrVol = false,
OPTIONAL bool include24HrChange = false,
OPTIONAL bool includeLastUpdatedAt = false
// Action: fetches current price of tokens for a given platform in any other currency that you need (using contract addresses)
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getTokenPrice("ethereum", "0x4363e1485764d206b01ddc9ca121030585259f6f", "usd")
// getTokenPrice("ethereum", "0x4363e1485764d206b01ddc9ca121030585259f6f", "usd", true, false, true, false)
// Notes: parameter id only supports value "ethereum" as of now
gecko::web::response getTokenPrice(
REQUIRED std::string id,
REQUIRED std::string contract_addresses,
REQUIRED std::string vs_currencies,
OPTIONAL bool includeMarketCap = false,
OPTIONAL bool include24HrVol = false,
OPTIONAL bool include24HrChange = false,
OPTIONAL bool includeLastUpdatedAt = false
// Action: fetches CoinGecko's supported options for parameter 'vs_currencies'
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getSupportedVsCurrencies()
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response getSupportedVsCurrencies();