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File metadata and controls

97 lines (75 loc) · 6.78 KB

What happens when Maven build is run

If em-maven-extension is added to the project like this:


then the EccentricModularityMavenLifecycleParticipant is executed.

For each project in the reactor EccentricModularityMavenLifecycleParticipant calls EccentricModularityExecutionListener which does the following:

  1. checks for and warns of old properties (there was properties syntax change at some point)
  2. If SNAPSHOT version of Bnd is used it adds Bnd's snapshot repository to the list of remote repositories so Maven can download needed artifacts.
  3. It dynamically adds em-maven-plugin:link plugin goal to package phase. Here is what it does when it is executed later on.
  4. If <em:module /> property is found in the POM:
    1. adds em-maven-plugin:registerContract plugin goal to package phase. Here is what it does when it is executed later on.
    2. configures bnd-maven-plugin and dynamically adds it to the POM. When executed during the package phase this plugin generates OSGi metadata in the resulting jar file. For more information see
  5. If <em:augment /> property is found in the POM:
    1. TODO
  6. If project's packaging in index
    1. TODO
  7. If <em:resolve /> property is found in the POM:
    1. If the property has value it is treated as target runtime and "distro jar" (matadata only) for it is created in EM's home of the project.
    2. adds em-maven-plugin:registerContract plugin goal to package phase. Here is what it does when it is executed later on.
    3. configures em-maven-plugin:resolve and dynamically adds it to the POM. When executed during the package phase this plugin resolves what modles are needed and then places the respective jar files in the target folder
    4. indexer
    5. configures bnd-maven-plugin and dynamically adds it to the POM. When executed during the package phase this plugin generates OSGi metadata in the resulting jar file. For more information see
  8. If <em:executable /> property is found in the POM:
    1. TODO

What em-maven-plugin:link goal does

The goal is executed during package stage for all modules (maven projects) that are part of the build.

  1. It copies the resulting jar file to project's EM_HOME (by default that is ~/.em/<GROUP_ID>/<ARTIFACT_ID>/<VERSION>/<JAR_FILE_NAME>)
  2. It updates EM's local database creating a mapping between
    • the exact location of the jar file in the project's target folder
    • the exact location of the jar file in Maven'l local repo (the ~/.m2/repository/...)
    • the exact location of the jar file in EM's home folder

What em-maven-plugin:registerContract goal does

The goal is executed during package stage for all modules (maven projects) that are part of the build and have one of the following properties:

  • <em:module />
  • <em:resolve />
  • <em:executable />

It inspects the resulting jar file for capabilities in the em.contract namespace. If such capabilities are found they are saved in EM's local database.

How is bnd-maven-plugin dynamically configured

  1. A bnd instructions are generated from this freemarker template where:
    • includePackages is taken "as is" from <em:module.includePackages /> POM property
    • importStatement is calculated based on <em:module.importPackages /> and <em:module.ignorePackages /> POM properties.
  2. The generated instructions are added to the bnd-maven-plugin's configuration and the plugin is dynamically added to the POM
  3. The maven-compiler-plugin is dynamically reconfigured to add em.annotation.processors to it's annotationProcessorPaths. Here is what they do when executed during compile phase.
  4. The maven-jar-plugin is dynamically reconfigured to use the MANIFEST.MF generated by bnd-maven-plugin

What EM's annotation processors do

  • add "Provide-Capability: ..." to generated bnd file for modules having classes annotated with @Provides or custom annotations meta-annotated with @Provides
  • add "Require-Capability: ..." to generated bnd file for modules having classes annotated with @Requires or custom annotations meta-annotated with @Requires
  • add "Fragment-Host: system.bundle; extension:=framework" to generated bnd file for modules having class annotated with @RuntimeExtension
  • add "Fragment-Host: system.bundle; extension:=bootclasspath" to generated bnd file for modules having class annotated with @RuntimeExtension(Type.BOOTCLASSPATH)
  • add "Bundle-Activator: ..." to generated bnd file for modules having classes annotated with @Activator
  • add "ExtensionBundle-Activator: ..." to generated bnd file for modules having classes annotated with @Activator(extension=true)

How is em-maven-plugin:resolve dynamically configured

The plugin configuration is generated from this freemarker template where:

  • bundlesOnly is true if the goal was added by <em:resolve /> and false if the goal was added by <em:executable />
  • bndrun is the file to be used by the bnd's resolve/export process:
    1. If the file is provided in <em:config.bndrunFile> property and it exists and it's a file, this file is used.
    2. If there is no file specified, it is generated from this freemarker template where:
      • requirements is a list of generated contract requirements containing
        • the module itself
        • the contracts provided in <em:contracts> POM property
      • runProperties contains the runtime properties specified in <> POM property
      • distro is the "distro jar" (matadata only) generated from the provided target environment if specified.

What em-maven-plugin:resolve goal does

This mojo extends the bnd-export-maven-plugin mojo and does the following: