cp |
Core CommandPost functionality. |
cp.18n |
CommandPost's Internationalisation & Localisation Manger. |
cp.adobe.aftereffects |
Adobe After Effects Extension |
cp.adobe.aftereffects.app |
The cp.app for Adobe After Effects. |
cp.adobe.aftereffects.shortcuts |
Translations between After Effects shortcuts and Hammerspoon-friendly shortcuts. |
cp.app |
This class assists with working with macOS apps. It provides functions for |
cp.app.menu |
Represents an app's menu bar, providing multi-lingual access to find and |
cp.app.prefs |
Provides access to application preferences, typically stored via NSUserDefaults or CFProperties . |
cp.apple.commandeditor |
Functions to control and manage Apple's Command Editor - used in Final Cut Pro, |
cp.apple.compressor |
Represents the Compressor application, providing functions that allow different tasks to be accomplished. |
cp.apple.compressor.app |
The cp.app for Apple's Compressor. |
cp.apple.fcpxml |
This extension adds functions and methods that simplify the creation |
cp.apple.fcpxml.compoundClip |
FCPXML Document Compound Clip Object. |
cp.apple.fcpxml.event |
FCPXML Document Event Object. |
cp.apple.fcpxml.gap |
FCPXML Document Gap Object. |
cp.apple.fcpxml.multicamClip |
FCPXML Document Multicam Clip Object. |
cp.apple.fcpxml.multicamResource |
FCPXML Document Multicam Resource Object. |
cp.apple.fcpxml.project |
FCPXML Document Project Object. |
cp.apple.fcpxml.resource |
FCPXML Document Resource Object. |
cp.apple.fcpxml.secondaryStoryline |
FCPXML Document Secondary Storyline Object. |
cp.apple.fcpxml.title |
FCPXML Document Title Object. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro |
Represents the Final Cut Pro application, providing functions that allow different tasks to be accomplished. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.app |
The cp.app for Final Cut Pro. Will automatically determine |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.browser.AppearanceAndFiltering |
Clip Appearance & Filtering Menu Popover |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.browser.Columns |
Final Cut Pro Browser List View Columns |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.cmd.CommandEditor |
Command Editor Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.content.Clip |
Represents a clip of media inside FCP. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.export.destinations |
Provides access to the list of Share Destinations configured for the user. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.export.ExportDialog |
Export Dialog Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.export.GoToPrompt |
Go To Prompt. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.export.ReplaceAlert |
Replace Alert |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.export.SaveSheet |
Save Sheet |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.import.MediaImport |
Media Import |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.audio.AudioComponent |
The Audio Configuration section of the Audio Inspector. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.audio.AudioConfiguration |
The Audio Configuration section of the Audio Inspector. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.audio.AudioInspector |
Audio Inspector Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.BaseMotionPanel |
A base class for Inspector panels |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.BasePanel |
A base class for the different panels in the Inspector. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ColorBoard |
Color Board Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ColorBoardAspect |
Represents a particular aspect of the color board (Color/Saturation/Exposure). |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ColorCurve |
A ColorCurve Element. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ColorCurves |
Color Curves Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ColorInspector |
Color Inspector Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ColorPuck |
Color ColorPuck Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ColorWell |
Represents a single Color Well in the Color Wheels Inspector. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ColorWheel |
Represents a single Color Well in the Color Wheels Inspector. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ColorWheels |
Color Wheels Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.CorrectionsBar |
The Correction selection/management bar at the top of the ColorInspector |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.HueSaturationCurve |
A HueSaturationCurve Element. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.HueSaturationCurves |
Color Curves Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.color.ValueIndicator |
ValueIndicator Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.generator.GeneratorInspector |
Generator Inspector Module. This appears for both Generators and Titles. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.info.InfoInspector |
Video Inspector Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.info.InfoProjectInspector |
Info Inspector Module when a Project is selected. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.Inspector |
Inspector |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.InspectorProperty |
InspectorProperty contains helper functions for handling common property |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.share.ShareInspector |
Share Inspector Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.text.TextInspector |
Text Inspector Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.title.TitleInspector |
Title Inspector Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.transition.TransitionInspector |
Transition Inspector Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.inspector.video.VideoInspector |
Video Inspector Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.BackgroundTasksDialog |
Represents the Background Tasks warning dialog. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.Browser |
Browser Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.Browser.BrowserMarkerPopover |
Browser Marker Popup. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.EffectsBrowser |
Effects Browser Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.FindAndReplaceTitleText |
Represents a "Find and Replace Title Text" dialogue box. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.FullScreenWindow |
Full Screen Window Player. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.GeneratorsBrowser |
Generators Browser Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.KeywordEditor |
Keyword Editor Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.KeywordField |
Keyword Text Field Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.LibrariesBrowser |
Libraries Browser Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.LibrariesFilmstrip |
Libraries Filmstrip Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.LibrariesList |
Libraries List Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.LibrariesSidebar |
Libraries Sidebar Browser Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.MediaBrowser |
Media Browser Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.Playhead |
Playhead Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.PrimaryToolbar |
Timeline Toolbar. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.PrimaryWindow |
Primary Window Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.SecondaryWindow |
Secondary Window Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.main.TranscodeMedia |
Represents the Transcode Media sheet. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.menu |
Final Cut Pro Menu Helper Functions. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.plugins |
Scans an entire system for Final Cut Pro Effects, Generators, Titles & Transitions. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.plugins.guiscan |
Final Cut Pro GUI Plugin Scanner. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.prefs.EditingPanel |
Editing Panel Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.prefs.GeneralPanel |
General Panel Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.prefs.ImportPanel |
Import Panel Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.prefs.Panel |
Preferences Panel. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.prefs.PlaybackPanel |
Playback Panel Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.prefs.PreferencesWindow |
Preferences Window Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.strings |
The cp.strings for I18N lookups related to Final Cut Pro. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Appearance |
Timeline Appearance Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.AudioRole |
Extends Role |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.AudioSubrole |
Extends Role |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.CaptionsRole |
Extends Role |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.CaptionsSubrole |
Extends Role |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Contents |
Timeline Contents Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Index |
Timeline Index Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexCaptions |
Provides access to the 'Captions' section of the Timeline Index |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexClips |
Extends IndexSection |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexClips.Type |
The collection of RadioButtons that allow filtering by Video/Audio/Title. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexMode |
Timeline Index Mode Radio Group Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRoles |
Provides access to the 'Roles' section of the Timeline Index |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRolesArea |
Represents the list of Roles in the IndexRoles. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexRolesList |
Timeline Index Roles List. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexSection |
An abstract base class for sections inside the Index. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexTags |
Provides access to the 'Tags' section of the Timeline Index |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.IndexTags.Type |
The collection of RadioButtons that allow filtering by Video/Audio/Title. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role |
Extends Row |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.SpeedPopover |
Extends Timeline |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Timeline |
Timeline Module. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Toolbar |
Timeline Toolbar |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Toolbar.Browser |
A RadioGroup that contains buttons to show or hide the Effects and Transitions Browsers. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Toolbar.Skimming |
Provides access to mouse/trackpad skimming options. |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.VideoRole |
Extends Role |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.VideoSubrole |
Extends Role |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.viewer.ControlBar |
Represents the bottom "control" bar on a Viewer |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.viewer.InfoBar |
Represents the bar of information about the Viewer (format, title, viewing options). |
cp.apple.finalcutpro.viewer.Viewer |
Viewer Module. |
cp.apple.motion |
Represents the Motion application, providing functions that allow different tasks to be accomplished. |
cp.apple.motion.app |
The cp.app for Apple's Motion. |
cp.battery |
Provides access to various properties of the battery. Each of these properties |
cp.bench |
Benchmarking Tool. |
cp.blackmagic.resolve |
The Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Extension. |
cp.blackmagic.resolve.app |
The cp.app for Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve. |
cp.blackmagic.resolve.color.Color |
Color Module. |
cp.blackmagic.resolve.color.Tracker |
Tracker |
cp.blackmagic.resolve.main.PrimaryWindow |
Primary Window Module. |
cp.choices |
Choices Module. |
cp.choices.builder |
Choices Builder Module. |
cp.collect.List |
Lists are similar tables which can contain nil items without shortening the length. |
cp.collect.Queue |
A "double-ended queue" implementation. This allows pushing and popping |
cp.collect.Set |
An implementation of a logical set , which contains a single unique |
cp.commands |
Commands Module. |
cp.commands.command |
Commands Module. |
cp.commands.englishKeyCodes |
Returns a table of all the English Key Codes. |
cp.commands.shortcut |
Shortcut Commands |
cp.commands.shortcut.builder |
Shortcut Commands Builder Module. |
cp.config |
Manage CommandPost's constants and settings. |
cp.config.dockIconClickCallback |
Callback which triggers when the CommandPost Dock Icon is clicked |
cp.config.fileDroppedToDockIconCallback |
File Dropped to Dock Icon Callback |
cp.config.shutdownCallback |
Shutdown Callback Module. |
cp.config.textDroppedToDockIconCallback |
Text Dropped to Dock Icon Callback |
cp.console.history |
Console History Manager. |
cp.deferred |
This extension makes it simple to defer multiple actions after a delay from the initial execution. |
cp.delegator |
cp.delegator is a middleclass "mix-in" that allows for |
cp.dev |
A set of handy developer tools for CommandPost. |
cp.dialog |
A collection of handy Dialog tools for CommandPost. |
cp.disk |
Provides provides details about disk devices attached to the system. |
cp.docs |
Documentation Tools. |
cp.feedback |
Feedback Form. |
cp.highland2 |
Highland 2 support. |
cp.highland2.app |
The cp.app for Highland 2. |
cp.highland2.Document |
Highland 2 Document Window extension. |
cp.highland2.Sidebar |
Represents the sidebar for a document opened in Highland. |
cp.i18n.language |
Provides the set of ISO 693-1/2/3 language codes and names. |
cp.i18n.languageID |
As per Apple's documentation, |
cp.i18n.localeID |
As per Apple's documentation, |
cp.i18n.region |
Provides the set of ISO 3166-1 region codes and names. |
cp.i18n.script |
Provides the set of ISO 15924 language scripts. |
cp.idle |
This library allows tasks to be queue for execution when the computer has |
cp.ids |
Allows managing values/IDs which can vary between versions. |
cp.interpolate |
Provides a function that will interpolate values into a string. |
cp.is |
A simple class that lets you test if a value is a particular type. |
cp.json |
A collection of handy JSON tools. |
cp.just |
This module provides functions to help with performing tasks which may be |
cp.lazy |
cp.lazy is a middleclass "mix-in" that allows for |
cp.localized |
Helps look up localized names for folders. |
cp.pattern |
Contains pattern matching utility functions. |
cp.plist |
Reads & Writes plist data. |
cp.plist.archiver |
Supports 'defrosting' a table which is made up from an 'NSKeyArchiver' record. |
cp.plist.plistParser |
plistParser (https://codea.io/talk/discussion/1269/code-plist-parser) |
cp.plugins |
This is a simple plugin manager. |
cp.plugins.env |
Provides access to resources in the plugin environment. In generally, this will be files stored in a Complex Plugin's folder. |
cp.plugins.plugin |
CommandPost Plugin. |
cp.prop |
This is a utility library for helping keep track of single-value property states. Each property provides access to a single value. Must be readable, but may be read-only. It works by creating a table which has a get and (optionally) a set function which are called when changing the state. |
cp.protect |
Utility function for protecting a table from being modified. |
cp.rx |
Reactive Extensions for Lua. |
cp.rx.AsyncSubject |
AsyncSubjects are subjects that produce either no values or a single value. If |
cp.rx.BehaviorSubject |
A Subject that tracks its current value. Provides an accessor to retrieve the most |
cp.rx.CooperativeScheduler |
Manages Observables using coroutines and a virtual clock that must be updated |
cp.rx.go |
Defines Statements to make processing of |
cp.rx.go.Do |
A Statement that will execute the provided resolvable values. |
cp.rx.go.Do.Then |
A Statement.Modifier of Do |
cp.rx.go.Done |
A Statement that will complete without sending any values. |
cp.rx.go.First |
Extends: Statement |
cp.rx.go.Given |
A Statement that will execute the provided resolvable values. |
cp.rx.go.Given.Then |
A Statement.Modifier of Given |
cp.rx.go.If |
A Statement that will check if a resolvable matches a predicate, then executes other resolvables . |
cp.rx.go.If.Are |
A [Statement.Modifier] of If that sets the values to match. |
cp.rx.go.If.AreNot |
A Statement.Modifier for If that sets the values to not match. |
cp.rx.go.If.Is |
A Statement.Modifier for If that sets a specific value to match. |
cp.rx.go.If.IsNot |
A Statement.Modifier for If that sets a specific value to not match. |
cp.rx.go.If.Matches |
A Statement.Modifier for If that sets a predicate check values against. |
cp.rx.go.If.Then |
A Statement.Modifier that defines what happens when an If matches. |
cp.rx.go.If.Then.Otherwise |
A Statement.Modifier of If, which should be created via If:Then(...):Otherwise(...) . |
cp.rx.go.If.Then.Otherwise.Then |
Each Otherwise can have a subsequent Then which will be executed after the previous one resolves. |
cp.rx.go.Last |
A Statement that will complete after the only the last result resolves. |
cp.rx.go.List |
Extends: Statement |
cp.rx.go.List.Sorted |
A Statement.Modifier that specifies the list should be sorted by its 'natural' order - that is a < b . |
cp.rx.go.List.SortedBy |
A Statement.Modifier that specifies the list should be sorted by the specified function . |
cp.rx.go.Require |
A Statement that will require that the resolvable value matches a predicate, |
cp.rx.go.Require.Are |
Specifies that the Require d values Are a specific value. |
cp.rx.go.Require.AreNot |
Specifies that the Require d values AreNot a specific value. |
cp.rx.go.Require.Is |
Specifies that the Require d value Is a specific value. |
cp.rx.go.Require.IsNot |
Specifies that the Require d value IsNot a specific value. |
cp.rx.go.Require.Matches |
Specifies that the Require d value Matches a function predicate. |
cp.rx.go.Retry |
Extends: Statement |
cp.rx.go.Statement |
A Statement is defined to enable processing of asynchronous resolvable values such |
cp.rx.go.Statement.Definition |
A Statement is defined before being executable. |
cp.rx.go.Statement.Modifier |
A Statement.Modifier is an extension to a Statement that provides additional configuration details. |
cp.rx.go.Statement.Modifier.Definition |
A Statement.Modifier is defined before being executable. |
cp.rx.go.Throw |
A Statement that will throw the provided message. |
cp.rx.go.WaitUntil |
A Statement that will wait for the first value from a resolveable that matches the predicate. |
cp.rx.ImmediateScheduler |
Schedules Observables by running all operations immediately. |
cp.rx.Observable |
Observables push values to Observers. |
cp.rx.Observer |
Observers are simple objects that receive values from Observables. |
cp.rx.Reference |
A handle representing the link between an Observer and an Observable, as well as any |
cp.rx.RelaySubject |
A Subject that provides new Observers with some or all of the most recently |
cp.rx.Subject |
Subjects function both as an Observer and as an Observable. Subjects inherit all |
cp.rx.TimeoutScheduler |
A scheduler that uses the hs.timer library to schedule events on an event loop. |
cp.sourcewatcher |
Watches folders for specific file extensions and reloads the app if they change. |
cp.spec |
An synchronous/asynchronous test library for Lua. |
cp.spec.DefaultHandler |
Default implementation of Handler, which |
cp.spec.Definition |
A Definition is a superclass for a "runnable" specification. |
cp.spec.Error |
Provides an Error message, which can be thrown via the error function. |
cp.spec.expect |
Provides a way of checking values match expected results. At it's core, it uses assert to make the check. |
cp.spec.Handler |
Subclasses of this can customise how reports are handled. |
cp.spec.Message |
Provides an Message message, which can be thrown via the error function. |
cp.spec.Report |
The results of a test run. |
cp.spec.Run |
An individual run of a test Definition or Specification. |
cp.spec.Run.This |
A token passed to test functions to allow them to indicate if a test run |
cp.spec.Scenario |
A Definition which describes a specific scenario. |
cp.spec.Specification |
A Specification is a list of definitions which |
cp.spec.TestCase |
Wraps cp.test into a subclass of Scenario. |
cp.spec.Where |
Created via Scenario:where(...). |
cp.strings |
Provides strings from (potentially) multiple sources, with support for loading from multiple languages. |
cp.strings.source.plist |
Loads strings from a plist with allowing for a given language variation. Eg: |
cp.strings.source.table |
Loads strings from provided tables, allowing for a given language variation. Eg: |
cp.test |
CommandPost Test Scripts. |
cp.text |
This module provides support for loading, manipulating, and comparing unicode text data. |
cp.text.matcher |
Adapted from 'utf8.lua' (https://github.com/Stepets/utf8.lua) |
cp.time.flicks |
Provides support for measuring time in flicks , a base unit of time useful for |
cp.tools |
A collection of handy miscellaneous tools for Lua development. |
cp.ui.Alert |
Alert UI Module. |
cp.ui.axutils |
Utility functions to support hs._asm.axuielement . |
cp.ui.Button |
The Button type extends Element and includes all its |
cp.ui.Cell |
Represents an AXCell axuielement . |
cp.ui.CheckBox |
Check Box UI Module. |
cp.ui.ColorWell |
UI ColorWell. |
cp.ui.Column |
Represents an AXColumn axuielement . |
cp.ui.ComboBox |
Combo Box Module. |
cp.ui.Dialog |
Represents a Window which has a AXSubrole of AXDialog . |
cp.ui.DisclosureTriangle |
Disclosure Triangle UI Module. |
cp.ui.Element |
A support class for hs._asm.axuielement management. |
cp.ui.ElementCache |
Provides caching for Element subclasses that want to cache children. |
cp.ui.Grid |
Abstract base class for AX elements which form a grid, such as Table2 and Outline. |
cp.ui.Group |
UI Group. |
cp.ui.Image |
Represents an AXImage axuielement value. |
cp.ui.List |
Represents an AXList axuielement value. |
cp.ui.Menu |
UI for AXMenus. |
cp.ui.MenuButton |
Menu Button Module. |
cp.ui.notifier |
Supports long-lived 'AX' notifiers. Configure the application to watch, the |
cp.ui.Outline |
Represents an AXOutline axuielement . |
cp.ui.Popover |
UI Group. |
cp.ui.PopUpButton |
Pop Up Button Module. |
cp.ui.PropertyRow |
Represents a single property row, typically in a Property Inspector. |
cp.ui.RadioButton |
Radio Button Module. |
cp.ui.RadioGroup |
Represents an AXRadioGroup , providing utility methods. |
cp.ui.Row |
Represents an AXRow axuielement . |
cp.ui.ScrollArea |
Scroll Area Module. |
cp.ui.ScrollBar |
Provides access to AXScrollBar axuielement values. |
cp.ui.SearchField |
A TextField with a subrole of AXSearchField . |
cp.ui.Sheet |
Sheet UI Module. |
cp.ui.Slider |
Slider Module. |
cp.ui.SplitGroup |
Split Group UI. |
cp.ui.Splitter |
Represents an AXSplitter . |
cp.ui.StaticText |
Static Text Module. |
cp.ui.Table |
Represents an AXTable in the Apple Accessibility UX API. |
cp.ui.TextArea |
UI Text Area. |
cp.ui.TextField |
Text Field Module. |
cp.ui.Toolbar |
Toolbar Module. |
cp.ui.Window |
A Window UI element. |
cp.utf16 |
A pure-LUA implementation of UTF-16 decoding |
cp.utf16.be |
A pure-LUA implementation of UTF-16 decoding with big-endian ordering. |
cp.utf16.le |
A pure-LUA implementation of UTF-16 decoding with little-endian ordering. |
cp.watcher |
This extension provides support for setting up 'event watchers'. |
cp.web.block |
Block. |
cp.web.generate |
Functions for Generating HTML UI Items |
cp.web.html |
Functions for Generating HTML markup. |
cp.web.text |
Functions for managing text on the web. |
cp.web.ui |
This extension contains functions which simplify the creation of standard UI events |
cp.web.xml |
Functions for Generating XML markup. |