docs » cp.ui.Column
Represents an AXColumn
- Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension
- matches
- Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor
- index
- selected
- Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor
- rows
- visibleRows
Signature | cp.ui.Column.matches(element) -> boolean |
Type | Function |
Description | Checks if the axuielement is a Column . |
Parameters |
Returns |
Signature | cp.ui.Column.index <cp.prop: number; read-only> |
Type | Field |
Description | The numeric index of this column in the overall container, with 0 being the first item. |
Signature | cp.ui.Column.selected <cp.prop: boolean> |
Type | Field |
Description | Indicates if the column is currently selected. May be set. |
Signature | cp.ui.Column:rows() -> table of cp.ui.Row or nil |
Type | Method |
Description | Returns a table of Rows contained in the Column. |
Returns |
Signature | cp.ui.Column:visibleRows() -> table of cp.ui.Rows or nil |
Type | Method |
Description | Returns a table of Rows which are currently visible on screen. |
Returns |