This is a utility library for helping keep track of single-value property states. Each property provides access to a single value. Must be readable, but may be read-only. It works by creating a table which has a get
and (optionally) a set
function which are called when changing the state.
A prop
can be called like a function once created. Eg:
local value = true
local propValue = return value end, function(newValue) value = newValue end)
propValue() == true -- `value` is still true
propValue(false) == false -- now `value` is false
A prop
comes with toggling built in - as long as the it has a set
function. Continuing from the last example:
propValue:toggle() -- `value` went from `false` to `true`.
Note: Toggling a non-boolean value will flip it to nil
and a subsequent toggle will make it true
. See the toggle method for more details.
Interested parties can 'watch' the prop
value to be notified of changes. Again, continuing on:
propValue:watch(function(newValue) print "New Value: "...newValue) end) -- prints "New Value: true" immediately
propValue(false) -- prints "New Value: false"
This will also work on AND and [OR][#or] properties. Any changes from component properties will trigger a notification.
Similarly, you can 'observe' a prop as a cp.rx.Observer
by calling the observe
propValue:toObservable():subscribe(function(value) print(tostring(value) end))
These will never emit an onError
or onComplete
message, just onNext
with either nil
or the current value as it changes.
We can combine or modify properties with AND/OR and NOT operations. The resulting values will be a live combination of the underlying prop
values. They can also be watched, and will be notified when the underlying prop
values change. For example:
local watered = prop.TRUE() -- a simple `prop` which stores the current value internally, defaults to `true`
local fed = prop.FALSE() -- same as above, defautls to `false`
local rested = prop.FALSE() -- as above.
local satisfied = watered:AND(fed) -- will be true if both `watered` and `fed` are true.
local happy = satisfied:AND(rested) -- will be true if both `satisfied` and `happy`.
local sleepy = fed:AND(prop.NOT(rested)) -- will be sleepy if `fed`, but not `rested`.
-- These statements all evaluate to `true`
satisfied() == false
happy() == false
sleepy() == false
-- Get fed
fed(true) == true
satisfied() == true
happy() == false
sleepy() == true
-- Get rest
rested:toggle() == true
satisfied() == true
happy() == true
sleepy() == false
-- These will produce an error, because you can't modify an AND or OR:
You can also use non-boolean properties. Any non-nil
value is considered to be true
If appropriate, a prop
may be immutable. Any prop
with no set
function defined is immutable. Examples are the prop.AND
and prop.OR
instances, since modifying combinations of values doesn't really make sense.
Additionally, an immutable wrapper can be made from any prop
value via either prop.IMMUTABLE(...)
or calling the myValue:IMMUTABLE()
Note that the underlying prop
value(s) are still potentially modifiable, and any watchers on the immutable wrapper will be notified of changes. You just can't make any changes directly to the immutable property instance.
For example:
local isImmutable = propValue:IMMUTABLE()
isImmutable:toggle() -- results in an `error` being thrown
isImmutable:watch(function(newValue) print "isImmutable changed to "..newValue end)
propValue:toggle() -- prints "isImmutable changed to false"
A property can be bound to an 'owning' table. This table will be passed into the get
and set
functions for the property if present. This is mostly useful if your property depends on internal instance values of a table. For example, you might want to make a property work as a method instead of a function:
local owner = {
_value = true
owner.value = prop(function() return owner._value end)
owner:isMethod() -- error!
To use a prop
as a method, you need to attach
it to the owning table, like so:
local owner = { _value = true }
owner.isMethod = prop(function(self) return self._value end, function(value, self) self._value = value end):bind(owner)
owner:isMethod() -- success!
owner.isMethod() -- also works - will still pass in the bound owner.
owner.isMethod:owner() == owner -- is true~
You can also use the prop.bind function to bind multple properties at once:
local owner = { _value = true }
prop.bind(o) {
isMethod = prop(function(self) return self._value end)
owner:isMethod() -- success!
The prop.extend function will also bind any cp.prop
values it finds:
local owner = prop.extend({
_value = true,
isMethod = prop(function(self) return self._value end),
owner:isMethod() -- success!
The bound owner
is passed in as the last parameter of the get
and set
A common use case is using metatables to provide shared fields and methods across multiple instances. A typical example might be:
local person = {}
function person:name(newValue)
if newValue then
self._name = newValue
return self._name
local o = { _name = name }
return setmetatable(o, { __index = person })
local johnDoe ="John Doe")
johnDoe:name() == "John Doe"
If we want to make the name
a property, we might try creating a bound property like this: = prop(function(self) return self._name end, function(value, self) self._name = value end):bind(person)
Unfortunately, this doesn't work as expected:
johnDoe:name() -- Throws an error because `person` is the owner, not `johnDoe`. == nil -- Works, but will return `nil` because "John Doe" is applied to the new table, not `person`
The fix is to use prop.extend
when creating the new person. Rewrite
like so:
local o = { _name = name }
return prop.extend(o, person)
Now, this will work as expected:
johnDoe:name() == "John Doe" == "John Doe"
The prop.extend
function will set the source
table as a metatable of the target
, as well as binding any bound props that are in the source
to target
Because tables are copied by reference rather than by value, changes made inside a table will not necessarily
trigger an update when setting a value with an updated table value. By default, tables are simply passed in
and out without modification. You can nominate for a property to make copies of tables (not userdata) when
getting or setting, which effectively isolates the value being stored from outside modification. This can be
done with the deepTable and shallowTable methods. Below is an example of them
in action:
local value = { a = 1, b = { c = 1 } }
local valueProp = prop.THIS(value)
local deepProp = prop.THIS(value):deepTable()
local shallowProp = prop.THIS(value):shallowTable()
-- print a message when the prop value is updated
valueProp:watch(function(v) print("value: a = " .. v.a ..", b.c = ".. v.b.c ) end)
deepProp:watch(function(v) print("deep: a = " .. v.a ..", b.c = ".. v.b.c ) end)
shallowProp:watch(function(v) print("shallow: a = " .. v.a ..", b.c = ".. v.b.c ) end)
-- change the original table:
value.a = 2
value.b.c = 2
valueProp().a == 2 -- modified
valueProp().b.c == 2 -- modified
shallowProp().a == 1 -- top level is copied
shallowProp().b.c == 2 -- child tables are referenced
deepProp().a == 1 -- top level is copied
deepProp().b.c == 1 -- child tables are copied as well
-- get the 'value' property
value = valueProp() -- returns the original value table
value.a = 3 -- updates the original value table `a` value
value.b.c = 3 -- updates the original `b` table's `c` value
valueProp(value) -- nothing is printed, since it's still the same table
valueProp().a == 3 -- still referencing the original table
valueProp().b.c == 3 -- the child is still referenced too
shallowProp().a == 1 -- still unmodified after the initial copy
shallowProp().b.c == 3 -- still updated, since `b` was copied by reference
deepProp().a == 1 -- still unmodified after initial copy
deepProp().b.c == 1 -- still unmodified after initial copy
-- get the 'deep copy' property
value = deepProp() -- returns a new table, with all child tables also copied.
value.a = 4 -- updates the new table's `a` value
value.b.c = 4 -- updates the new `b` table's `c` value
deepProp(value) -- prints "deep: a = 4, b.c = 4"
valueProp().a == 3 -- still referencing the original table
valueProp().b.c == 3 -- the child is still referenced too
shallowProp().a == 1 -- still unmodified after the initial copy
shallowProp().b.c == 3 -- still referencing the original `b` table.
deepProp().a == 4 -- updated to the new value
deepProp().b.c == 4 -- updated to the new value
-- get the 'shallow' property
value = shallowProp() -- returns a new table with top-level keys copied.
value.a = 5 -- updates the new table's `a` value
value.b.c = 5 -- updates the original `b` table's `c` value.
shallowProp(value) -- prints "shallow: a = 5, b.c = 5"
valueProp().a == 3 -- still referencing the original table
valueProp().b.c == 5 -- still referencing the original `b` table
shallowProp().a == 5 -- updated to the new value
shallowProp().b.c == 5 -- referencing the original `b` table, which was updated
deepProp().a == 4 -- unmodified after the last update
deepProp().b.c == 4 -- unmodified after the last update
So, a little bit tricky. The general rule of thumb is:
- If working with immutable objects, use the default
value copy, which preserves the original.
- If working with an array of immutible objects, use the
table copy.
- In most other cases, use a
table copy.
Signature |
cp.prop.NIL -> cp.prop |
Type |
Constant |
Description |
Returns a cp.prop which will always be nil . |
Parameters |
Returns |
- a new
cp.prop instance with a value of nil .
Signature |
cp.prop.AND(...) -> cp.prop |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop which will be true if all cp.prop instances passed into the function return a truthy value. |
Parameters |
... - The list of cp.prop instances to 'AND' together.
Returns |
Notes |
- The value of this instance will resolve by lazily checking the
value of the contained cp.prop instances in the order provided. The first falsy value will be returned. Otherwise the last truthy value is returned. - The instance is immutable.
- Once you have created an 'AND', you cannot 'OR' as a method. Eg, this will fail:
prop.TRUE():AND(prop:FALSE()):OR(prop.TRUE()) . This is to avoid ambiguity as to whether the 'AND' or 'OR' takes precedence. Is it (true and false) or true or true and (false or true) ?. - To combine 'AND' and 'OR' values, group them together when combining. Eg:
(true and false) or true : prop.OR( prop.TRUE():AND(prop.FALSE()), prop.TRUE() ) true and (false or true) : prop.TRUE():AND( prop.FALSE():OR(prop.TRUE()) )
Signature |
cp.prop.bind(owner[, relaxed]) -> function |
Type |
Function |
Description |
This provides a utility function for binding multiple properties to a single owner in |
Parameters |
- owner - The owner table to bind the properties to.
- relaxed - If
true , then non-cp.prop fields will be ignored. Otherwise they generate an error.
Returns |
- A function which should be called, passing in a table of key/value pairs which are
string /cp.prop value.
Notes |
- If you are binding multiple
cp.prop values that are dependent on other cp.prop values on the same owner (e.g. via mutate or a boolean join), you will have to break it up into multiple prop.bind(...) {...} calls, so that the dependent property can access the bound property. - If a
cp.prop provided as bindings already has a bound owner, it will be wrapped instead of bound directly.
Signature |
cp.prop.extend(target, source) -> table |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Makes the target extend the source . It will copy all bound properties on the source table into the target, rebinding it to the target table. Other keys are inherited via the metatable. |
Parameters |
target - The target to extendsource - The source to extend from
Returns |
- The
target , now extending the source .
Signature |
cp.prop.FALSE() -> cp.prop |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop which will cache internally, initially set to false . |
Parameters |
Returns |
- a
cp.prop instance defaulting to false .
Signature |
cp.prop.IMMUTABLE(propValue) -- cp.prop |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop instance which will not allow the wrapped value to be modified. |
Parameters |
propValue - The cp.prop value to wrap.
Returns |
- a new
cp.prop instance which cannot be modified.
Signature | -> boolean |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Checks if the value is an instance of a cp.prop . |
Parameters |
value - The value to check.
Returns |
true if the value is an instance of cp.prop .
Signature |
cp.prop.NOT(propValue) -> cp.prop |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop which negates the provided propValue . Values are negated as follows: |
Parameters |
propValue - Another cp.prop instance.
Returns |
- a
cp.prop instance negating the propValue .
Notes |
- If the
propValue is mutable, you can set the NOT property value and the underlying value will be set to the negated value. Be aware that the same negation rules apply when setting as when getting.
Signature |
cp.prop.OR(...) -> cp.prop |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop which will return the first 'truthy' value provided by one of the provided properties. Otherwise, returns the last 'falsy' value. |
Parameters |
... - The list of cp.prop instances to 'OR' together.
Returns |
Notes |
- The value of this instance will resolve by lazily checking the
value of the contained cp.prop instances in the order provided. If any return true , no further instances will be checked. - The instance is immutable, since there is no realy way to flip the component values of an 'OR' in a way that makes sense.
- Once you have created an 'OR', you cannot 'AND' as a method. Eg, this will fail:
prop.TRUE():OR(prop:FALSE()):AND(prop.TRUE()) . This is to avoid ambiguity as to whether the 'OR' or 'AND' takes precedence. Is it (true or false) and true or true or (false and true) ?. - To combine 'AND' and 'OR' values, group them together when combining. Eg:
(true or false) and true : prop.AND( prop.TRUE():OR(prop.FALSE()), prop.TRUE() ) true or (false and true) : prop.TRUE():OR( prop.FALSE():AND(prop.TRUE()) )
Signature |
cp.prop.THIS([initialValue]) -> cp.prop |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop instance which will cache a value internally. It will default to the value of the initialValue , if provided. |
Parameters |
initialValue - The initial value to set it to (optional).
Returns |
Signature |
cp.prop.TRUE() -> cp.prop |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop which will cache internally, initially set to true . |
Parameters |
Returns |
- a
cp.prop instance defaulting to true .
Signature |, setFn, cloneFn) --> cp.prop |
Type |
Constructor |
Description |
Creates a new prop value, with the provided get and set functions. |
Parameters |
getFn - The function that will get called to retrieve the current value.setFn - (optional) The function that will get called to set the new value.cloneFn - (optional) The function that will get called when cloning the property.
Returns |
- The new
cp.prop instance.
Notes |
getFn signature: function([owner]) -> anything owner - If this is attached as a method, the owner table is passed in.setFn signature: function(newValue[, owner]) newValue - The new value to store.owner - If this is attached as a method, the owner table is passed in.cloneFn signature: function(prop) -> new cp.prop - This can also be executed by calling the module directly. E.g.
Signature |
cp.prop.mainWindow <cp.prop: cp.ui.Window; read-only; live> |
Type |
Field |
Description |
The main Window, or nil if none is available. |
Signature |
cp.prop:ABOVE() -> cp.prop <boolean; read-only> |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new property comparing this property to something . |
Parameters |
something - A value, a function or a cp.prop to compare to.
Returns |
- New, read-only
cp.prop which will be true if this property is greater than something .
Signature |
cp.prop:AND(...) -> cp.prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop which will be true if this and all other cp.prop instances passed into the function return true . |
Parameters |
... - The list of cp.prop instances to 'AND' together.
Returns |
Notes |
Signature |
cp.prop:ATLEAST() -> cp.prop <boolean; read-only> |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new property comparing this property to something . |
Parameters |
something - A value, a function or a cp.prop to compare to.
Returns |
- New, read-only
cp.prop which will be true if this property is less than or equal to something .
Signature |
cp.prop:ATMOST() -> cp.prop <boolean; read-only> |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new property comparing this property to something . |
Parameters |
something - A value, a function or a cp.prop to compare to.
Returns |
- New, read-only
cp.prop which will be true if this property is less than or equal to something .
Signature |
cp.prop:BELOW() -> cp.prop <boolean; read-only> |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new property comparing this property to something . |
Parameters |
something - A value, a function or a cp.prop to compare to.
Returns |
- New, read-only
cp.prop which will be true if this property is less than something .
Signature |
cp.prop:bind(owner, [key]) -> cp.prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Binds the property to the specified owner. Once bound, it cannot be changed. |
Parameters |
owner - The owner to attach to.key - If provided, the property will be bound to the specified key.
Returns |
Notes |
- Throws an
error if the new owner is nil . - Throws an
error if the owner already has a property with the name provided in key . - Throws an
error if the key is not a string value.
Signature |
cp.prop:cached() -> prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
This can be called once to enable caching of the result inside the prop . |
Parameters |
Returns |
Signature |
cp.prop:clear() -> nil |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Clears the property. Watchers will be notified if the value has changed. |
Parameters |
Returns |
Signature |
cp.prop:clone() -> cp.prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new copy of the property. |
Parameters |
Returns |
Signature |
cp.prop:deepTable([skipMetatable]) -> prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
This can be called once to enable deep copying of table values. By default, |
Parameters |
skipMetatable - If set to true , copies will not copy the metatable into the new tables.
Returns |
Notes |
Signature |
cp.prop:EQ(something) -> cp.prop <boolean; read-only> |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Synonym for IS. |
Parameters |
something - A value, a function or a cp.prop to compare to.
Returns |
- New, read-only
cp.prop which will be true if this property is equal to something .
Signature |
cp.prop:get() -> value |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns the current value of the property. |
Parameters |
Signature |
cp.prop:hasWatchers() -> boolean |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns true if the property has any watchers. |
Parameters |
Returns |
true if any watchers have been registered.
Signature |
cp.prop:id() -> number |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns the current ID. |
Parameters |
Returns |
Signature |
cp.prop:IMMUTABLE() -- cp.prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop instance wrapping this property which will not allow it to be modified. |
Parameters |
propValue - The cp.prop value to wrap.
Returns |
- a new
cp.prop instance which cannot be modified.
Signature |
cp.prop:IS(something) -> cp.prop <boolean; read-only> |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new property returning true if the value is equal to something . |
Parameters |
something - A value, a function or a cp.prop to compare to.
Returns |
- New, read-only
cp.prop which will be true if this property is equal to something .
Signature |
cp.prop:ISNOT(something) -> cp.prop <boolean; read-only> |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new property returning true when this property is not equal to something . |
Parameters |
something - A value, a function or a cp.prop to compare to.
Returns |
- New, read-only
cp.prop which will be true if this property is NOT equal to something .
| Signature | cp.prop:label([newLabel]) -> string | cp.prop
| -----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| Type | Method |
| Description | Gets and sets the property label. This is human-readable text describing the cp.prop
. |
| Parameters |
- newLabel - (optional) if provided, this will be the new label.
| Returns | - Either the existing label, or the
itself if a new label was provided.
Signature |
cp.prop:mirror(otherProp) -> self |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Configures this prop and the other prop to mirror each other's values. |
Parameters |
otherProp - The other prop to mirror.
Returns |
The same property. |
Signature |
cp.prop:monitor(...) -> cp.prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Adds an uncloned watch to the otherProp which will trigger an update check in this property. |
Parameters |
... - a list of other cp.prop values to monitor.
Returns |
cp.prop - This prop value.
Signature |
cp.prop:mutable() -> boolean |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Checks if the cp.prop can be modified. |
Parameters |
Returns |
true if the value can be modified.
Signature |
cp.prop:mutate(getFn[, setFn]) -> cp.prop <anything; read-only>, function |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new property that is a mutation of the current one. |
Parameters |
mutateFn - The function which will mutate the value of the current property.
Returns |
- A new
cp.prop which will return a mutation of the property value.
Signature |
cp.prop:NEQ(something) -> cp.prop <boolean; read-only> |
Type |
Method |
Description |
A synonym for ISNOT |
Parameters |
something - A value, a function or a cp.prop to compare to.
Returns |
- New, read-only
cp.prop which will be true if this property is NOT equal to something .
Signature |
cp.prop:NOT() -> cp.prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop which negates the current value. Values are negated as follows: |
Parameters |
Returns |
- a
cp.prop instance negating the current instance.
Notes |
- If this property is mutable, you can set the
NOT property value and this property will be set to the negated value. Be aware that the same negation rules apply when setting as when getting.
Signature |
cp.prop:OR(...) -> cp.prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new cp.prop which will be true if this or any cp.prop instance passed into the function returns true . |
Parameters |
... - The list of cp.prop instances to 'OR' together.
Returns |
Notes |
Signature |
cp.prop:owner() -> table |
Type |
Method |
Description |
If this is a 'method', return the table instance the method is attached to. |
Parameters |
Returns |
Signature |
cp.prop:preWatch(preWatchFn) -> cp.prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Adds a function which will be called once if any watchers are added to this prop. |
Parameters |
preWatchFn - The function to call once when the prop is watched. Has the signature function(owner, prop) .
Returns |
Signature |
cp.prop:set(newValue) -> value |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Sets the property to the specified value. Watchers will be notified if the value has changed. |
Parameters |
newValue - The new value to set. May be nil .
Returns |
- The current value of the prop. May not be the same as
newValue .
Signature |
cp.prop:shallowTable(skipMetatable) -> prop |
Type |
Method |
Description |
This can be called once to enable shallow cloning of table values. By default, |
Parameters |
Returns |
Notes |
| Signature | cp.prop:toggle() -> boolean | nil
| -----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| Type | Method |
| Description | Toggles the current value. Values are modified as follows: |
| Parameters |
| Returns | |
| Notes | - If the value is immutable, an error will be thrown.
- If you toggle a non-boolean parameter twice, it will end up set to
Signature |
cp.prop:toObservable() -> cp.rx.Observable |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns the cp.rx.Observable for the property. This will emit |
Parameters |
Returns |
- The
Observable instance for the property.
Notes |
- It will only emit
onNext events, never an onError or onCompleted event. - This will trigger an
update each time it is called.
Signature |
cp.prop:unwatch(watchFn) -> boolean |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Removes the specified watch method as a watcher, if present. An example of adding and removing a watch: |
Parameters |
watchFn - The original watch function to remove. Must be the same instance that was added.
Returns |
true if the function was watching and successfully removed, otherwise false .
Signature |
cp.prop:update() -> value |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Forces an update of the property and notifies any watchers if it has changed. |
Parameters |
Signature |
cp.prop:value([newValue]) -> value |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns the current value of the cp.prop instance. If a newValue is provided, and the instance is mutable, the value will be updated and the new value is returned. If it is not mutable, an error will be thrown. |
Parameters |
newValue - The new value to set the instance to.
Returns |
- The current boolean value.
Notes |
- If you need to set the property to
nil , use the set method, otherwise it will be ignored.
Signature |
cp.prop:watch(watchFn[, notifyNow]) -> cp.prop, function |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Adds the watch function to the value. When the value changes, watchers are notified by calling the function. The function should have the following signature: |
Parameters |
watchFn - The watch function, with the signature function(newValue, owner) .notifyNow - The function will be triggered immediately with the current state. Defaults to false .uncloned - If true , the watch function will not be attached to any clones of this prop.
Returns |
cp.prop - The same cp.prop instancefunction - The watch function, which can be passed to unwatch to stop watching.
Notes |
- You can watch immutable values. Wrapped
cp.prop instances may not be immutable, and any changes to them will cause watchers to be notified up the chain.
Signature |
cp.prop:wrap([owner[, key]]) -> cp.prop <anything> |
Type |
Method |
Description |
Returns a new property that wraps this one. It will be able to get and set the same as this, and changes |
Parameters |
owner - (optional) If provided, the wrapper will be bound to the specified owner.key - (optional) If provided, the wrapper will be assigned to the owner with the specified key.
Returns |
- A new
cp.prop which wraps this property.