A collection of handy Dialog tools for CommandPost.
Where possible, hs.dialog
should be used instead of cp.dialog
- however,
there are still some instances where cp.dialog
is preferred (i.e. if you
want a dialog box to appear as if it's been generated by Final Cut Pro).
Signature |
cp.dialog.displayAlertMessage(message) -> none |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Display an Alert Dialog (with stop icon). |
Parameters |
- message - The message you want to display as a string
Returns |
Notes |
- IMPORTANT: This should no longer be used in favour of
Signature |
cp.dialog.displayChooseFile(whatMessage, fileType[, defaultLocation]) -> boolean or string |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Display a Choose File Dialog Box. |
Parameters |
- whatMessage - The message you want to display as a string.
- fileType - The filetype you wish to display as either a string or a table of strings.
- defaultLocation - Path to Default Location. Defaults to the desktop.
Returns |
false if cancelled if pressed otherwise the path to the file as a string
Notes |
- IMPORTANT: This should no longer be used in favour of
Signature |
cp.dialog.displayChooseFolder(whatMessage[, defaultLocation]) -> boolean or string |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Display a Choose Folder Dialog Box. |
Parameters |
- whatMessage - The message you want to display as a string
- defaultLocation - An optional path (defaults to the user desktop)
Returns |
false if cancelled if pressed otherwise the path to the folder as a string
Notes |
- IMPORTANT: This should no longer be used in favour of
Signature |
cp.dialog.displayChooseFromList(dialogPrompt, listOptions, defaultItems) -> table |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Displays a list that the user can select items from. |
Parameters |
- dialogPrompt - The message you want to display as a string
- listOptions - A table containing all the options you want to include in the list as strings
- defaultItems - A table containing all the options you want select by default in the list as strings
Returns |
- A table with the selected items as strings
Signature |
cp.dialog.displayErrorMessage(whatError) -> none |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Display an Error Message Dialog, given the user the option to submit feedback. |
Parameters |
- whatError - The message you want to display as a string
Returns |
Notes |
- IMPORTANT: This should no longer be used in favour of
Signature |
cp.dialog.displayMessage(whatMessage, optionalButtons) -> object |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Display an Error Message Dialog, given the user the option to submit feedback. |
Parameters |
- whatError - The message you want to display as a string
Returns |
Notes |
- IMPORTANT: This should no longer be used in favour of
Signature |
cp.dialog.displayNotification(whatMessage) -> none |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Display's an alert on the screen. |
Parameters |
- whatMessage - The message you want to display as a string
Returns |
Notes |
- Any existing alerts will be removed to make way for the new one.
Signature |
cp.dialog.displaySmallNumberTextBoxMessage(whatMessage, whatErrorMessage, defaultAnswer) -> boolean or string |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Display a dialog box prompting the user for a number input. It accepts only entries that coerce directly to class integer. |
Parameters |
- whatMessage - The message you want to display as a string
- whatErrorMessage - The error message that appears if a user input is invalid
- defaultAnswer - The default value of the text box
Returns |
false if cancelled if pressed otherwise the text entered in the dialog box
Notes |
- IMPORTANT: This should no longer be used in favour of
Signature |
cp.dialog.displayTextBoxMessage(whatMessage, whatErrorMessage, defaultAnswer, validationFn) -> boolean or string |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Display a dialog box prompting the user for a text input. |
Parameters |
- whatMessage - The message you want to display as a string
- whatErrorMessage - The error message that appears if a user input is invalid
- defaultAnswer - The default value of the text box
- validationFn - A function that takes one parameter and returns a boolean value
Returns |
false if cancelled if pressed otherwise the text entered in the dialog box
Notes |
- IMPORTANT: This should no longer be used in favour of
Signature |
cp.dialog.displayYesNoQuestion(message, informativeText) -> boolean |
Type |
Function |
Description |
Displays a "Yes" or "No" question. |
Parameters |
- whatMessage - The message you want to display as a string
- informativeText - Informative text.
Returns |
true if yes is clicked otherwise false
Notes |
- IMPORTANT: This should no longer be used in favour of