v0.5.0 - Maul:
- Transitions: enforce the deterministic output state for
transitions - System: improve the error message (at compile time) when omitting the initial state in the System declaration
v0.4.0 - Bane:
- replace CurrentValueSubject by a ReplaySubject in System.stream
v0.3.0 - Tyranus:
- Feedback: introduce the "on:" keyword to explicitly declare the type of state that concerns the side effect
- Feedback: replace the parameter "sideEffect" by "perform" to have a nice readable sentence: ...(on: Loading.self, ..., perform: sideEffect)
- State Machine: introduce a new DSL based on From/On that allows to group transitions from the same state type
- State Machine: provide assert functions to ease the unit tests of transitions
v0.2.0 - Vader:
- UISystem: unify the UISystem concept for RawState and ViewState
- Improve the README
v0.1.0 - Sidious:
- Transitions, Transition, Feedacks, Feedback and System initial functional version
- Provide helpers to inject dependencies inside side effects
- Ability to make loops communicate via Mediators
- Create Readme / Logo
- Add CounterApp and GiphyApp examples
- Add some community assets (PR template, code of conduct, ...)