Teatime theme - Collegeville 2020
Mary Ann Leung, Sustainable Horizons Institute; Mark Miller, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Numerous studies have shown that diverse organizations, teams, and communities perform more creatively and effectively—and thus are more productive. While some efforts are already under way to broaden participation in high-performance computing (HPC) and computational science and engineering (CSE), we observe that our communities could benefit by increasing emphasis on sustainable strategies to advance diversity and inclusion. This teatime discussion will promote conversation about how individuals and groups can take steps forward within their own spheres of influence to broaden participation and thereby to help the community as a whole advance in productivity. This session will also provide the opportunity to ask questions about two whitepapers (Increasing Productivity by Broadening Participation in Scientific Software Communities and What Black Lives Matter has to do with Scientific Software Productivity: Starting a conversation about ethnicity, inclusion and scientific software productivity) and expand on the discussion.